A new species of the genus Macromotettixoides Zheng, Macromotettixoides undulatifemura sp. nov. is described from the Emeishan Area of Sichuan, China. Type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China.
记述云南省普洱市菜阳河自然保护区的勐腊蝗属1新种:郑氏勐腊蝗Menglacris zhengi Li et Xu,sp.nov.,新种近似于斑腿勐腊蝗Menglacris maculata Jiang et Zheng,1994,主要区别为:1)体形较小;2)颜面隆起全长具浅的纵沟;3)后足股节下膝侧片顶端锐角形;4)雌性触角中段1节长度为宽度的3.1倍;5)阳具基背片较弯,锚状突位于前突的顶部,阳具复合体色带表皮内突较短。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。
The morphological characteristics of the hind wing venation of tetrigids were analyzed on the basis of morphometric measurement, with 20 species and 18 different variables selected for this study. Results show that three principal components have a higher load at the length between the starting point of the costal vein and the tip of the fourth anal vein, between the tip of the costal vein and the tip of the third anal vein, and between the tip of the costal vein and the tip of the eleventh anal vein. There exists a contrast between wing length and width.