A brand new direct and adaptive slicing approach is proposed, which canapparently improve the part accuracy and reduce the building time. At least two stages are includedin this operation: getting the crossing contour of the cutting plane with the solid part anddetermining the layer thickness. Apart from usual SPI algorithm, slicing of the solid model has itsspecial requirements. Enabling the contour line segments of the cross-section as long as possible isone of them, which is for improving manufacturing efficiency and is reached by adaptively adjustingthe step direction and the step size at every crossing point to obtain optimized secant height. Thelayer thickness determination can be divided into two phases: the geometry-based thicknessestimation and the material-based thickness verifying. During the former phase, the geometrytolerance is divided into two parts: a variety of curves are approximated by a circular arc, whichintroduces the first part, and the deviation error between the contour line in LM process and thecircular arc generates the second part. The latter phase is mainly verifying the layer thicknessestimated in the former stage and determining a new one if necessary. In addition, an example usingthis slicing algorithm is also illustrated.
论述了使用数字喷射成形加工技术实现理想材料零件数字化并行设计与制造的原理.分析了表面张力作用下微细管的出流条件,阐明了压电式喷头的工作原理及其性能.开发了以PM AC(programm ab le m u lti-ax is con tro ller)运动控制器为控制系统核心,工业控制机为系统支撑单元的并行双CPU控制系统,辅以相应的辅助元件,实现了空间场、材料场、温度场及喷射系统的协调统一.分析了软件系统的组成及各部分的功能.该数字喷射成形加工系统实现了理想材料零件的数字化并行设计与制造.