In order to identify the resistant gene of rice false smut in rice, a recombi- nant inbred line (RILs) population with 157 lines derived from an inter-subspecies cross of Daguandao/IR28 by the single seed descent method was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to strain Pi-1 of rice false smut caused by Usti/aginoiclea virens (Cooke) Takahashi in 2012 and 2013. The disease rate indexes of the two parents and 157 RILs caused by the strain Pi-1 of rice false smut were scored and the QTLs for rice false smut resistance were detected accordingly by QTL Cartographer software. Seven QTLs controlling false smut re- sistance were detected on chromosomes 2, 7, 8, 11 and 12, respectively, with the phenotypic variance of 8.5%-17.2%. There were four QTLs detected in 2012 and 2013, respectively, and only one QTL was found in both two years, the phenotypic variation explained by this individual QTL was 13.5% and 17.2%, and the additive effects of this QTL contributed to the 9.9% and 14.3% decrease of disease index and therefore the disease resistance increased. The direction of the additive effects at five loci qFsr2a, qFsr8a, qFsr8b, qFsr11 and qFsr12 coincided with that predicted by phenotypes of the parents, and the IR28 alleles at these loci had positive effect against rice false smut while the negative effects were found in Daguandao alleles at qFsr2b and qFsr7. The qFsr11 should be useful in rice breeding for resistance to rice false smut in marker-assisted selection (MAS) program.
A recombinant inbred line (RILs) population with 157 lines derived from an inter-subspecies cross of Daguandao (japonica)/IR28 (indica) by the single seed de-scent method was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to rice false smut caused by Ustilaginoidea virens(Cooke) Takahashi in Nanjing and Yangzhou. The disease rate index of the two parents and 157 RILs caused by rice false smut were scored and the QTLs for rice false smut resistance were detected accordingly by QTL Cartographer software. Eight QTLs control ing false smut resis-tance were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12, respectively, with the phenotypic variance of 8.6%-22.5%. There were five QTLs detected in Nanjing and Yangzhou, respectively, and only two QTLs were found in both two years, the phenotypic variation was explained by individual QTL ranged from 18.0% to 18.9% for these two QTLs, and the additive effects of these two QTLs contributed to the 8.0%-14.6% decrease of disease index and therefore the disease resistance increased. The direction of the additive effects at six loci qFsr1, qFsr2, qFsr8, qFsr10a, qFsr11 and qFsr12 coincided with that predicted by phenotypes of the parents, and the IR28 al eles at these loci had positive effect against rice false smut while the negative effects were found in Daguandao al eles at qFsr4 and qFsr10b. Both qFsr10a and qFsr11 should be useful in rice breeding for resistance to rice false smut in marker-assisted selection (MAS) program.