利用1991—2010年的NCEP再分析风场驱动LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式,通过数值后报方法,对海南万宁近海海域近20年的波浪场进行了逐时数值模拟,数值模拟结果和实测结果对比的一致性良好。在数值后报数据的基础上计算了万宁近海波浪能流密度和能流密度变异系数,并对其年内变化特点、区域分布特征和稳定性进行了分析。万宁近海年均波浪能流密度3—10 k W/m,属于波浪能资源可利用区和较丰富区。年内各月月均能流密度差别较大,12月波浪能资源最好,5月波浪能资源最差。秋季(9—11月)和冬季(12—2月)月均波浪能流密度分别为5—24 k W/m和6—29 k W/m,春季(3—5月)和夏季(6—8月)分别为3—7 k W/m和1—6 k W/m。地形对波浪能量的辐聚作用明显,受岬角、岛屿、海底陡坡等因素影响,大洲岛、白鞍岛周边、大花角附近及白鞍岛以北部分近岸区域形成波浪能富集区。除9月外,年内其他时段能流密度变异系数都在2.8以下,9月能流密度变异系数在3.0—5.9之间。
An improvement was proposed for the statistical theory of breaking erttrainment depth and surface whitecap coverage of real sea waves in this study. The ratio of the kinetic and potential energy was estimated on a theoretical level, and optimal constants were determined to improve the statistical theory model for wave breaking. We also performed a sensitivity test to the model constants. A comparison between the model and in situ observations indicated that the level of agreement was better than has been achieved in previous studies.
With the newly proposed Global Ocean Observing Integration, ocean observing scope has been expanded from the region to the global, therefore the need of large-scale ocean observing system integration has become more and more urgent. Currently, ocean observing systems enabled ocean sensor networks are commonly developed by different organizations using specific technologies and platforms, which brings several challenges in ocean observing instrument (OOI) access and ocean observing system seamless integration. Furthermore, the development of ocean observing systems often suffers from low efficiency due to the complex prograrmning and debugging process. To solve these problems, a novel model, Complex Virtual Instrument (CVI) Model, is proposed. The model provides formal definitions on observing instrument description file, CVI description file, model calculation method, development model and interaction standard. In addition, this model establishes mathematical expressions of two model calculation operations, meanwhile builds the mapping relationship between observing instrument description file and CVI description file. The CVI based on the new model can achieve automatic access to different OOIs, seamless integration and communication for heterogeneous environments, and further implement standardized data access and management for the global unified ocean observing network. Throughout the development, integration and application of such CVI, the rationality and feasibility of the model have been evaluated. The results confirm that the proposed model can effectively implement heterogeneous system integration, improve development efficiency, make full usage of reusable components, reduce development cost, and enhance overall software system quality. We believe that our new model has great significance to promote the large-scale ocean observing system integration.