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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
冰川地形是构建冰川流动模型的基础,对于认识冰川响应气候变化的动力机制具有重要意义.在2009年和2014年消融季,使用探地雷达对祁连山老虎沟12号冰川进行了厚度测量和冰下地形观测,获得了沿冰川中流线和多条横剖面的厚度资料,并对中流线上的厚度分布特征和槽谷形态进行了研究.研究结果表明,东、西支冰川的平均厚度分别为190 m和150 m,东支冰川冰下地形起伏大于西支,支冰川的表面坡度都较缓和.东、西支冰川进入汇合区时厚度分别为122 m和157 m,由于支冰川的横向挤压和汇流,汇合区中部冰川厚度增加到162 m.冰川槽谷形态具有空间差异,东、西支冰川槽谷形态近似于对称的V型,但是在冰川汇合区,槽谷底部变宽,边坡变缓,发育有不对称槽谷.
Five decades of glacier changes in the Hulugou Basin of central Qilian Mountains, Northwest China被引量:3
The Heihe River Basin is the second largest inland river basin in the arid regions of Northwest China. Glaciers provide a large proportion of water resources for human production and living. Studies of glacier changes and their impact on water resources in the arid lands are of vital importance. A joint expedition was carried out in 2010 for investigating glaciers in the Hulugou Basin, which is located in the upper reaches of Heihe River. There- fore, glacier changes in the Hulugou Basin of central Qilian Mountains during the past 50 years were analyzed in this study by comparing topographic maps, satellite images, digital elevation models and field observation data from different periods. Results showed that the total area of the 6 glaciers in the Hulugou Basin decreased by 0.590±0.005 km^2 during the period 1956-2011, corresponding to a loss of 40.7% over the total area in 1956. The average area reduction rate of the 6 glaciers is 0.011 km^2/a. During the past five decades, the glacier shrinkage was accelerated. The changes in glacier ice surface elevation ranged from -15 to 3 m with an average thinning of 10±8 m or an annual decrease of 0.23±0.18 m (0.20±0.15 m/a water equivalent) for the period 1956-2000. The area of Shiyi Glacier in the Hulugou Basin decreased from 0.64 km^2 in 1956 to 0.53 km2 in 2011 with a reduction rate of 17.2%. The Shiyi Glacier had been divided into two separated glaciers because of severe melting. Comparative analysis showed that glacier shrinkage in the Hulugou Basin is more serious than that in the other regions of Qilian Mountains.
Hui CHENZhongQin LIPuYu WANGZhongPing LAIRenSheng CHENBaoJuan HUAI
物质平衡是冰川对气候变化最直接的响应,是冰川变化的重要参数.大陆型冰川与海洋型冰川发育在不同的水热环境下,它们对气候变化的响应程度、过程和机理存在很大差异,因此在全球变暖背景下对这两类不同性质冰川物质平衡变化特征及其机理做一全面的对比研究意义重大.以东、西天山的乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和图尤克苏冰川以及阿尔卑斯山东、中、西部的欣特雷斯冰川、Caresèr冰川和Sarennes冰川为参照冰川,在对比分析这五条参照冰川近60 a来物质平衡变化幅度差异和阶段性差异基础上,对大陆型冰川与海洋型冰川物质平衡变化特征及其机理进行了对比研究.结果表明:在物质平衡阶段性变化上,阿尔卑斯山参照冰川物质平衡变化具有相似的阶段性,而天山和阿尔卑斯山参照冰川之间以及天山内部两条参照冰川之间物质平衡阶段性变化存在很大的差异,可见,无论不同性质冰川还是同一性质的不同冰川,其物质平衡的阶段性变化都可能存在差异,这与不同冰川所处环境水热变化的时间差异有关,而与冰川性质无关;在物质平衡变化幅度上,海洋型冰川变化幅度明显大于大陆型冰川,原因是不同性质冰川发育的水热环境及其对气候变化敏感性差异;在前人对冰川加速消融机理的研究基础上,本文也讨论了大陆型冰川与海洋型冰川物质平衡变化的机理及其异同.
Shrinkage of Mt. Bogda Glaciers of Eastern Tian Shan in Central Asia during 1962–2006被引量:4
Many small mountain glaciers have been reported undergoing strong shrinkage, and it is therefore important to understand how they respond to climate change. The availability of topographic maps from 1962, Landsat TM imagery from 1990 and ASTER(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Radiometer) imagery from 2006 and field investigation of some glaciers allow a comprehensive analysis of glacier change based on glacier size and topography on Mt. Bogda. Results include:(1) an overall loss of a glacierized area by 31.18±0.31 km^2 or 21.6% from 1962 to 2006,(2) a marked dependence of glacier area shrinkage on initial size, with smaller glaciers experiencing higher shrinkage levels,(3) the disappearance of 12 small glaciers,(4) a striking difference in area loss between the southern and northern slopes of 25% and 17%, respectively. A subset of the investigated glaciers shows that the area 57.45±0.73 km2 in 1962 reduced to 54.79±0.561 km^2 in 1990 and 48.88±0.49 km^2 in 2006, with a relative area reduction of 4.6% during 1962-1990, and 10.8% during 1990-2006. The corresponding volume waste increased from 6.9% to 10.2%. Three reference glaciers were investigated in 1981 and revisited in 2009. Their terminus experienced a marked recession. Meteorological data from stations around Mt. Bogda reveals that glacier shrinkage is correlated with winter warming and an extension of the ablation period. Precipitation on the northwest side of the range shows a marked increase, with a slight increase on the southeast side.
Kaiming LiZhongqin LiCuiyun WangBaojuan Huai
物质平衡是衡量冰川"健康"状况的最好方式,由于野外工作开展难度大,物质平衡观测仅局限于少数几条冰川上,限制了区域冰川物质平衡和冰量变化的评估.通过卫星高程数据可以监测区域冰川高程变化,进而可估算其冰量变化.利用SRTM和ICESat激光测高数据反演了祁连山冰川冰量变化,结果表明:21世纪初祁连山冰川处于物质亏损状态,年平均高程减薄(0.345±0.258)m,相当于(0.293±0.219)m w.e.,估算祁连山冰川年均冰量损失为(534.2±399.5)×106 m3 w.e..由于祁连山各冰川区相对独立,相隔较远,冰川规模普遍不大,且ICESat地面轨迹在中低纬度分布稀疏,使得结果的不确定性还很大.
Spatial variability of glacial changes and their effects on water resources in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains during the last five decades被引量:5
Changes in glaciers in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains have been analyzed previously. However, most previous studies focused on individual glaciers and/or decentralized glacial basins. Moreover, a majority of these studies were published only in Chinese, which limited their usefulness at the international level. With this in mind, the authors reviewed the previous studies to create an overview of glacial changes in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains over the last five decades and discussed the effects of glacial changes on water resources. In response to climate change, glaciers in the Tianshan Mountains are shrinking rapidly and are ca. 20% smaller on average in the past five decades. Overall, the area reduction of glacial basins in the central part of the Chinese Tianshan Mountains is larger than that in the eastern and western parts. The spatial differentiation in glacial changes are caused by both differences in regional climate and in glacial factors. The effects of glacial changes on water resources vary in different river basins due to the differences in glacier distribution, characteristics of glacial change and proportion of the glacier meltwater in river runoff.
WANG PuyuLI ZhongqinHUAI BaojuanWANG WenbinLI HuilinWANG Lin