The rebound behaviors of droplets impacting on a self-fabricated superhydrophobic brass surface (WCA=I64.5°) were ob- served and studied by using high-speed-camera. In accordance with energy conversion, theoretical analysis of different behav- iors and rebound mechanism were given. At lower velocities, three behaviors in different velocity ranges were observed: par- tial rebounding, entire rebounding and ejecting during rebounding. At higher velocities, such two behaviors as rebound after splashing and rebound, ejecting after splashing, occurred alternately and exhibited certain periodicity. A function to predict the critical impact velocity is derived from energy conservation condition, and the prediction values tally with the experimental values, with the maximum relative error about 14%.
We have investigated experimentally the process of a droplet impact on a regular micro-grooved surface. The target surfaces are patterned such that micro-scale spokes radiate from the center, concentric circles, and parallel lines on the polishing copper plate, using Quasi-LIGA molding technology. The dynamic behavior of water droplets impacting on these structured surfaces is examined using a high-speed camera, including the drop impact processes, the maximum spreading diameters, and the lengths and numbers of fingers at different values of Weber number. Experimental results validate that the spreading processes are arrested on all target surfaces at low velocity. Also, the experimental results at higher impact velocity demonstrate that the spreading process is conducted on the surface parallel to the micro-grooves, but is arrested in the direction perpendicular to the micro-grooves. Besides, the lengths of fingers increase observably, even when they are ejected out as tiny droplets along the groove direction, at the same time the drop recoil velocity is reduced by micro-grooves which are parallel to the spreading direction, but not by micro-grooves which are vertical to the spreading direction.