Nonionizing energy loss(NIEL) has been applied to a number of studies concerning displacement damage effects in materials and devices. However, most studies consider only the contribution of displacement damage effects,neglecting the contribution from phonons. In this paper, a NIEL model, which considers the contribution of phonons,has been established using the Monte Carlo code SRIM. The maximum endurable fluence for silicon detectors has been estimated using the equivalent irradiation fluence compared with experimental data for the incident particles.NIEL is proportional to the equivalent irradiation fluence that the detector has received.
In the fabrication of a 48 mm×48 mm silicon micro-strip nuclear radiation detector with 96 strips on each side, a perfect P-N junction cannot be formed consistently by the one-step implantation process, and thus over 50% of strips produced do not meet application requirements. However, the method of stratified implantation not only avoids the P region between the surface of wafers and the P+ region, but also overcomes the shadow effect. With the help of the stratified implantation process, a perfect functional P-N junction can be formed, and over 95% of strips meet application requirements.