该文以山东广饶县为例,进行了滨海集约农区耕地生态环境的评价研究。采用土壤图和土地利用现状图的叠置方法划分评价单元,系统聚类与D e lph i法结合筛选参评因素,层次分析法(AHP)确定其权重,模糊评判法确定耕地生态环境等级。结果显示,广饶县耕地生态环境总体良好,一、二等地占总面积的39.92%;三、四等地占总面积45.75%;五、六等级仅占14.33%。耕地生态环境等级由东北沿海向西南部的过渡,与耕地的集约利用程度呈现明显的反向关系,同时受不同的耕地利用方式影响明显。该研究探索了滨海集约农区耕地生态环境的评价技术方法,分析了耕地集约利用对其生态环境的影响,对集约农区耕地资源的持续利用和环境保护有积极意义。
On the basis of the data obtained from a field survey, the relationship between land use and soil nutrients was evaluated in Qingzhou County, Shandong Province, China, through a statistical analysis of differences in 17 nutrients in five types of cultivated land. The results showed significant effects (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) of land-use type on soil organic matter and concentration of macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients, as well as total salt and soil pH. In vegetable land, because of the large amounts of fertilizer applied to vegetable crops, the concentrations of most soil nutrients, with exception of available Si and micronutrients, were higher than those in grain cropland. Grain cropland had a significantly lower total salt content (P < 0.01) and tended to have a higher soil pH than vegetable land. Within subtypes of land use, dry land, irrigable land, and open-air vegetable land had the highest coefficient of variation (CV) for available P, whereas protected vegetable land had the highest CV for total N and available S. In general, land-use types had greater impact on macronutrients than on secondary nutrients and micronutrients.