Color histogram is now widely used in image retrieval. Color histogram-based image retrieval methods are simple and efficient but without considering the spatial distribution information of the color. To overcome the shortcoming of conventional color histogram-based image retrieval methods, an image retrieval method based on Radon Transform (RT) is proposed. In order to reduce the computational complexity, wavelet decomposition is used to compress image data. Firstly, images are decomposed by Mallat algorithm. The low-frequency components are then projected by RT to generate the spatial color feature. Finally the moment feature matrices which are saved along with original images are obtained. Experimental results show that the RT based retrieval is more accurate and efficient than traditional color histogram-based method in case that there are obvious objects in images. Further more, RT based retrieval runs significantly faster than the traditional color histogram methods.
大部分的图像存在遮挡现象,因此只能获得对象的部分轮廓。曲率尺度空间描述子(Curvature scale space descriptor,CSSD)是MPEG-7标准采用的闭合轮廓描述子。本文研究并分析了闭合完整轮廓和部分开轮廓曲线演化过程的不同之处,提出了一种通用曲率尺度空间描述子(GCSSD),不仅继承了CSSD的旋转、尺度、平移不变性及抗噪能力,并较好地描述部分开轮廓的特征。本文也给出相应GCSSD的匹配算法,将其应用于彩色图像花的检索,实验结果表明其性能明显优于CSSD。