本文首先介绍了芯片行业常用的测试方法和ATE(Automatic Test Equipment)测试的一般原理。根据ADP2381稳压芯片的系统构架和特点给出了该芯片的主要测试指标。结合ATE测试的技术优势,基于软件测试技术,以ADP2381过压保护功能为实例,提出了一种基于ATE测试系统的整体设计方案。测试结果表明该ATE测试系统能很好地完成ADP2381芯片过压保护功能的完好性测试。
The notions of metric sparsification property and finite decomposition complexity are recently introduced in metric geometry to study the coarse Novikov conjecture and the stable Borel conjecture. In this paper, it is proved that a metric space X has finite decomposition complexity with respect to metric sparsification property if and only if X itself has metric sparsification property. As a consequence, the authors obtain an alternative proof of a very recent result by Guentner, Tessera and Yu that all countable linear groups have the metric sparsification property and hence the operator norm localization property.
癫痫是一种复杂的难治愈性疾病,单纯靠医生肉眼分析脑电图诊断存在很大的误差。文中以脑电时序信号为基础,分别应用不同算法进行基于突变点分析的癫痫疾病检测研究。针对合成与实时脑电波序列设计不同组实验检测,实验结果表明,TSTKS(Ternary Search Trees and modi-fied Kolmogorov-Smirnov)统计方法在误差率、准确率和时间复杂度等分析指标来看都比其它方法更加适合癫痫疾病的检测,从而对癫痫疾病的分析和诊断具有辅助和指导的意义。