Besides using the laser beam, it is very tempting to directly testify the Bell inequality at high energy experiments where the spin correlation is exactly what the original Bell inequality investigates. In this work, we follow the proposal raised in literature and use the successive decays J/ψ →γηc→ ∧∧ → pπ^- pπ^+ to testify the Bell inequality. Our goal is twofold, namely, we first make a Monte-Carlo simulation of the processes based on the quantum field theory (QFT). Since the underlying theory is QFT, it implies that we pre-admit the validity of quantum picture. Even though the QFT is true, we need to find how big the database should be, so that we can clearly show deviations of the correlation from the Bell inequality determined by the local hidden variable theory. There have been some critiques on the proposed method, so in the second part, we suggest some improvements which may help to remedy the ambiguities indicated by the critiques. It may be realized at an updated facility of high energy physics, such as BES III.
We indicated in our previous work that for QED the role of the scalar potential which appears at the loop level is much smaller than that of the vector potential and is in fact negligible. But the situation is different for QCD, one reason is that the loop effects are more significant because as is much larger than a, and second the non-perturbative QCD effects may induce a sizable scalar potential. In this work, we study phenomenologically the contribution of the scalar potential to the spectra of charmonia, bottomonia and bC(bc) families. Taking into account both vector and scalar potentials, by fitting the well measured charmonia and bottomonia spectra, we re-fix the relevant parameters and test them by calculating other states of not only the eharmonia and bottomonia families, but also the bc family. We also consider the Lamb shift of the spectra.
We indicated in our previous work that for QED the contributions of the scalar potential, which appears at the loop level, is much smaller than that of the vector potential, and in fact negligible. But the situation may be different for QCD, the reason being that the loop effects are more significant because α s is much larger than α, and secondly the non-perturbative QCD effects may induce the scalar potential. In this work, we phenomenologically study the contribution of the scalar potential to the spectra of charmonia. Taking into account both vector and scalar potentials, by fitting the well measured charmonia spectra, we re-fix the relevant parameters and test them by calculating other states of the charmonia family. We also consider the role of the Lamb shift and present the numerical results with and without involving the Lamb shift.
We analyze the cross section of e + e-→τ + μ-within the frameworks of SM and its Z extension.The theoretical prediction of the SM on the total cross section is suppressed by the tiny neutrino masses.On the other hand,the contributions from Z to the cross section are enhanced drastically because of the tree level FCNC couplings among Z and leptons.
The magnetic dipole transitions between the vector mesons B-c and their relevant pseudoscalar mesons B c (B c ,B-c ,B c (2S ),B-c (2S ),B c (3S ),B-c (3S ) etc.,the binding states of (c) system) of the B c family are interesting.The ‘hyperfine’ splitting due to spin-spin interaction is an important topic for understanding the spin-spin interaction and the spectrum of the the (c) binding system.The knowledge about the magnetic dipole transitions is also very useful for identifying the vector boson B-c mesons experimentally,whose masses are just slightly above the masses of their relevant pseudoscalar mesons B c .Considering the possibility to observe the vector mesons via the transitions at Z 0 factory and the potential use of the theoretical estimate on the transitions,we fucus our efforts on calculating the magnetic dipole transitions,i.e.a precise calculation of the rates for the transitions such as decays B-c → B c γ and B-c → B c e + e-,and particularly work in the Bethe-Salpeter framework.As a typical example,we carefully investigate the dependence of the rate Γ(B-c → B c γ) on the mass difference ΔM = M B-c-M B c .