基于现场地质调查和室内试验,再结合非饱和土力学理论建立计算模型,将孔隙水压力分布和非饱和强度理论应用到极限平衡法中,对降雨作用下秦巴山区紫阳县的凹陷地形滑坡体进行瞬态渗流、稳定性的饱和-非饱和数值计算。结果表明:凹陷地形易汇水并诱发滑坡,单位厚度坡体产生的最大孔压与该凹陷地形面积大小成正比;单位土层厚度的1 000 m2的凹陷地形范围内最大能产生1.47 k Pa的孔压。研究结果可供类似地形中滑坡体渗流和稳定性的数值计算参考。
A new approach combining the certainty factor(CF) and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) methods was proposed to assess landslide susceptibility in the Ziyang district, which is situated in the Qin-Ba Mountain region, China. Landslide inventory data were collected based on field investigations and remote sensing interpretations. A total of 791 landslides were identified. A total of 633 landslides were randomly selected from this data setas the training set, and the remaining landslides were used for validation as the test set. Nine factors, including the slope angle, slope aspect, slope curvature, lithology, distance to faults, distance to streams, precipitation, road network intensity degree and land use were chosen as the landslide causal factors for further susceptibility assessment. The weight of each factor and its subclass were calculated by AHP and CF methods. Landslide susceptibility was compared between the bivariate statistical method and the proposed CF-AHP method. The results indicate that the distance to streams, distance to faults and lithology are the most dominant causal factors associated with landslides. The susceptibility zonation was categorized into five classes of landslide susceptibility, i.e., very high, high, moderate, low and very low level. Lastly, the relative operating characteristics(ROC) curve was used to validate the accuracy of the new approach, and the result showed a satisfactory prediction rate of 78.3%, compared to 69.2% obtained with the landslide susceptibility index method. The results indicate that the CF-AHP combined method is more appropriate for assessing the landslide susceptibility in this area.
基于Web of Science数据库,以1999-2019年检索所得1 240篇浅层滑坡期刊论文为样本,利用CiteSpace对该领域内国家/地区和机构、学科/期刊和高频关键词进行文献计量和可视化分析,结果表明:浅层滑坡研究的国际合作非常普遍,意大利在浅层滑坡研究中占据核心地位,意大利国家研究委员和中国科学院两家机构在该领域发挥重要作用,GEOMORPHOLOGY和LANDSLIDES杂志为浅层滑坡研究代表性期刊。复合模型算法为浅层滑坡研究领域近期的热点主题。