Granular mass flows (e.g., debris flows/avalanches) in landslide-prone areas are of great concern because they often cause catastrophic disasters as a result of their long run-out distances and large impact forces. To investigate the factors influencing granular mass flow mobility, experimental tests were conducted in a flume model. Granular materials consisting of homogeneous sand and non- homogeneous sandy soil were used for studying particle size effects. Run-out tests with variable flow masses, water contents, and sloping channel confinement parameters were conducted as well. The results indicated that granular mass flow mobility was significantly influenced by the initial water content; a critical water content corresponding to the smallest flow mobility exists for different granular materials. An increase in the total flow mass generally induced a reduction in the travel angle (an increase in flow mobility). Consistent with field observations, the travel angles for different granular materials decreased roughly in proportion to the logarithm of mass. The flume model tests illustrate that the measured travel angles increase as the proportion of fine particles increases. Interestingly, natural terrain possesses critical confinement characteristics for different granular mass flows.
通过Z-Soil岩土三维分析软件,以小应变硬化土(hardening soil model with small strain stiffness,HSS)模型为基础,建立地连墙与内支撑联合支护的群体基坑开挖的三维数值模型.对基坑土体的的竖向位移以及地连墙的变形和受力进行了分析,讨论了基坑间距的影响.分析结果表明:临坑的开挖使紧邻的坑间土堤沉降增加约1倍,使群坑周边沉降增加约10%;先开挖的基坑支护结构受力、变形增大,后续开挖的基坑的地连墙顶会向先开挖基坑方向产生整体侧移,基坑间距越近,影响越明显.