In most models of population dynamics, diffusion between patches is assumedto be continuous or discrete, but in practice many species diffuse only during a single period. Inthis paper we propose a single species model with impulsive diffusion between two patches, whichprovides a more natural description of population dynamics. By using the discrete dynamical systemgenerated by a monotone, concave map for the population, we prove that the map always has a globallystable positive fixed point. This means that a single species system with impulsive diffusionalways has a globally stable positive periodic solution. This result is further substantiated bynumerical simulation. Under impulsive diffusion the single species survives in the two patches.
A disease transmission model of SI type with stage structure is formulated. The stability of disease free equilibrium, the existence and uniqueness of an endemic equilibrium, the existence of a global attractor are investigated.
A non-autonomous single species dispersal model is considered, in which individual member of the population has a life history that goes through two stages, immature and mature. By applying the theory of monotone and concave operators to functional differential equations, we establish conditions under which the system admits a positive periodic solution which attracts all other positive solutions.