Phosphorylation is a crucial way to control the activity of proteins in many eukaryotic organisms in vivo. Experimental methods to determine phosphorylation sites in substrates are usually restricted by the in vitro condition of enzymes and very intensive in time and labor. Although some in silico methods and web servers have been introduced for automatic detection of phosphorylation sites, sophisticated methods are still in urgent demand to further improve prediction performances. Protein primary se-quences can help predict phosphorylation sites catalyzed by different protein kinase and most com-putational approaches use a short local peptide to make prediction. However, the useful information may be lost if only the conservative residues that are not close to the phosphorylation site are consid-ered in prediction, which would hamper the prediction results. A novel prediction method named IEPP (Information-Entropy based Phosphorylation Prediction) is presented in this paper for automatic de-tection of potential phosphorylation sites. In prediction, the sites around the phosphorylation sites are selected or excluded by their entropy values. The algorithm was compared with other methods such as GSP and PPSP on the ABL, MAPK and PKA PK families. The superior prediction accuracies were ob-tained in various measurements such as sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp). Furthermore, compared with some online prediction web servers on the new discovered phosphorylation sites, IEPP also yielded the best performance. IEPP is another useful computational resource for identification of PK-specific phosphorylation sites and it also has the advantages of simpleness, efficiency and con-venience.
WANG MingHui, LI ChunHua, CHEN WeiZu & WANG CunXin College of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
A holistic protein-protein molecular docking approach,HoDock,was established,composed of such steps as binding site prediction,initial complex structure sampling,refined complex structure sampling,structure clustering,scoring and final structure selection.This article explains the detailed steps and applications for CAPRI Target 39.The CAPRI result showed that three predicted binding site residues,A191HIS,B512ARG and B531ARG,were correct,and there were five submitted structures with a high fraction of correct receptor-ligand interface residues,indicating that this docking approach may improve prediction accuracy for protein-protein complex structures.