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作品数:4 被引量:4H指数:2


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 4篇理学


  • 2篇QUARKO...
  • 2篇Z
  • 1篇强子
  • 1篇强子物理
  • 1篇高能
  • 1篇高能物理
  • 1篇PRODUC...
  • 1篇SPECTR...
  • 1篇SYSTEM
  • 1篇BINDIN...
  • 1篇BOUND
  • 1篇COLLID...
  • 1篇DIPOLE
  • 1篇EXCLUS...
  • 1篇ISR
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  • 1篇中国科学院


  • 1篇张肇西


  • 3篇Scienc...
  • 1篇中国科学:物...


  • 1篇2012
  • 3篇2010
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Spectrum for heavy quarkonia and mixture of the relevant wave functions within the framework of Bethe-Salpeter equation被引量:3
Considering the fact that some excited states of the heavy quarkonia (charmonium and bottomonium) are still missing in experimental observations and potential applications of the relevant wave functions of the bound states,we re-analyze the spectrum and the relevant wave functions of the heavy quarkonia within the framework of Bethe-Salpeter (B.S.) equation with a proper QCDinspired kernel.Such a kernel for the heavy quarkonia,relating to potential of the non-relativistic quark model,is instantaneous,so we call the corresponding B.S.equation as BS-In equation throughout the paper.Particularly,a new way to solve the B.S.equation,which is different from the traditional ones,is proposed here,and with it not only the known spectrum for the heavy quarkonia is re-generated,but also an important issue is brought in,i.e.,the obtained solutions of the equation ‘automatically’ include the ‘fine’,‘hyperfine’ splittings and the wave function mixture,such as S-D wave mixing in J PC = 1-states,P-F wave mixing in J PC = 2 ++ states for charmonium,bottomonium etc.It is pointed out that the best place to test the wave mixture probably is at Z-factory (e + e-collider running at Z-boson pole with extremely high luminosity).
The magnetic dipole transitions in the (c) binding system
The magnetic dipole transitions between the vector mesons B-c and their relevant pseudoscalar mesons B c (B c ,B-c ,B c (2S ),B-c (2S ),B c (3S ),B-c (3S ) etc.,the binding states of (c) system) of the B c family are interesting.The ‘hyperfine’ splitting due to spin-spin interaction is an important topic for understanding the spin-spin interaction and the spectrum of the the (c) binding system.The knowledge about the magnetic dipole transitions is also very useful for identifying the vector boson B-c mesons experimentally,whose masses are just slightly above the masses of their relevant pseudoscalar mesons B c .Considering the possibility to observe the vector mesons via the transitions at Z 0 factory and the potential use of the theoretical estimate on the transitions,we fucus our efforts on calculating the magnetic dipole transitions,i.e.a precise calculation of the rates for the transitions such as decays B-c → B c γ and B-c → B c e + e-,and particularly work in the Bethe-Salpeter framework.As a typical example,we carefully investigate the dependence of the rate Γ(B-c → B c γ) on the mass difference ΔM = M B-c-M B c .
Production of a heavy quarkonium with a photon or via ISR at Z peak in e^+e^- collider被引量:2
Considering the possibility to build an e + e-collider at the energies around Z-boson resonance with a luminosity so high as L ∝ 10 34 cm-2 s-1 (even higher) and the abilities of a modern synthesis detector,we systematically calculate the exclusive two body processes of the heavy quarkonium production: e + eannihilates into a heavy quarkonium and a photon,involving the initial state radiation (i.e.ISR) cases,at the energies around the Z-boson resonance.Since the couplings of Z-boson to quarks contain an axial vector term as well as a vector one,a charmonium such as J/ψ or η c or h c or χ cJ ···,or a bottomonium such as Υ or η b or h b or χ bJ ···,associating with a photon,may be produced respectively via Z-boson annihilation.If we call such a collider with so high luminosity and running around the Z-boson resonance as a Z-factory,then our results obtained here indicate that experimental studies of the various heavy quarkona (their ground and excited states) via the two-body processes at a Z-factory have outstanding advantages,especially,the production of the possible states with quantum numbers J PC = 1-via ISR.
本文在调查研究和理论分析的基础上,对超级Z-工厂上可开展的特色高能物理实验做了归纳和小结.文章指出超级Z-工厂中可以开展许多科学意义重要、别处不可替代的高能物理实验,归纳下来在下列四个方面具有突出优势:i)Z-玻色子性质的精确测量,寻找与Z-玻色子有关的稀有过程的实验研究;ii)韬(τ)轻子性质,寻找与韬轻子有关的稀有过程和发现关系到韬轻子和/或Z-玻色子的CP破坏(肯定与CKM矩阵相因子无直接联系)的实验研究;iii)重味和双重味强子的性质,其激发态质谱,奇异重味强子等的实验研究;iv)通过测量喷注形状直接测量QCD耦合常数αs(m2Z),测定重味夸克和胶子到重味强子和双重味强子的碎裂函数,检验非微扰碎裂模型理论等的实验研究.另外,由于建造超级Z-工厂可以作为我国加速器高能实验物理未来基地规划中的一个选项,国内同行已经完成了相关的学术研究论文14篇,并已汇集成题为"超级Z-玻色子工厂物理"的专辑,发表在SciChina-Phys Mech Astron上,2010年11月份的53卷11期中.本文对这14篇论文做扼要概述,同时也做了一些补充.