位于青藏高原与黄土高原过渡带的甘肃武都万象洞石笋WXSM51和WXSM52提供了M IS 5(118~79kaB.P.)高分辨率的1δ8O记录。研究表明,万象洞石笋1δ8O值与夏季风强度呈负相关关系,与我国西南部的贵州董歌洞石笋1δ8O记录有良好的对应关系,并与高纬度的格陵兰NGR IP冰芯1δ8O记录和65°N太阳辐射强度有很好的一致性,说明万象洞石笋1δ8O记录了118~79kaB.P.期间亚洲季风强度的变化,同时也说明东亚季风强度的变化和全球气候变化同步,而且主要受控于北半球太阳辐射强度的变化。同时它与地中海碳酸盐记录有很好的相似性,和巴西石笋1δ8O记录在千年尺度上表现出相反的变化趋势,说明东亚季风区、地中海地区以及巴西季风区之间存在密切的联系,指示了南北半球气候在千年尺度上存在“跷跷板”(seesaw)现象。万象洞石笋1δ8O记录的M IS 5b与M IS 5 a突发性转换,与NGR IP冰芯1δ8O记录相似,而与神农架记录存在差异,说明万象洞地区对亚洲季风强度的响应更为敏感。
Based on 5 high-precision 230Th dates and 103 stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) obtained from the top 16 mm of a stalagmite collected from Wanxiang Cave,Wudu,Gansu,variation of monsoonal precipita-tion in the modern Asian Monsoon (AM) marginal zone over the past 100 years was reconstructed. Comparison of the speleothem δ18O record with instrumental precipitation data at Wudu in the past 50 years indicates a high parallelism between the two curves,suggesting that the speleothem δ18O is a good proxy for the AM strength and associated precipitation,controlled by "amount effect" of the pre-cipitation. Variation of the monsoonal precipitation during the past 100 years can be divided into three stages,increasing from AD 1875 to 1900,then decreasing from AD 1901 to 1946,and increasing again thereafter. This variation is quite similar to that of the Drought/Flooding index archived from Chinese historical documents. This speleothem-derived AM record shows a close association with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) between AD 1875 and 1977,with higher monsoonal precipitation corre-sponding to cold PDO phase and vice versa at decadal timescale. The monsoonal precipitation varia-tion is out of phase with the PDO after AD 1977,probably resulting from the decadal climate jump in the north Pacific occurring at around AD 1976/77. These results demonstrate a strong linkage between the AM and associated precipitation and the Pacific Ocean via ocean/atmosphere interaction. This rela-tionship will aid to forecast future hydrological cycle for the AM monsoon region,and to improve forecasting potential of climatic model with observation data from cave.
An oxygen isotope record of a stalagmite from Huanglong Cave in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau dated with 230Th and 210Pb methods provides variations of the Asian monsoon with an average resolu-tion of 1 year over the past 50 years. This study shows that the δ18O of dripwater in the cave represents the annual mean δ18O of local meteoric precipitation and the stalagmites were deposited in isotopic equilibrium. A comparison of the stalagmite δ18O record with instrumentally meteorological data indi-cates that shifts of the δ18O are largely controlled by the amount effect of meteoric precipitation con-veyed through the southwest monsoon(the Indian monsoon) and less affected by temperature. Therefore,the variations of δ18O record reflect the changes in monsoon precipitation on inter-annual time scales under the influence of the southwest monsoon. Like many other stalagmite δ18O records in the Asian monsoon regions,the δ18O record of the stalagmite from Huanglong Cave also reveals a gradually enriched trend during the past 50 years,i.e. relatively enriched in 18O. This trend may indicate the decline of the Asian monsoon intensity which is consistent with the decrease of monsoon indices. The weakening of the modern Asian monsoon well matched with the temperature changes in strato-sphere,which may illustrate that the weakening of the monsoon mainly results from the lowering of solar radiation.
YANG XunLinZHANG PingZhongCHEN FaHuHUH Chih-anLI HongChunCHENG HaiKathleen R. JOHNSONLIU JingHuaAN ChunLei