By using vector Riccati transformation and averaging technique, some oscillation criteria for the quasilinear elliptic differential equation of second order,ΣNi,j=1Di[Ψ(y)Aij(x)|Dy|^p-2Djy]+p(x)f(y)=0,are obtained. These theorems extend and include earlier results for the semilinear elliptic equation and PDE with p-Laplacian.
A new fixed point theorem is presented and sufficient conditions are obtained for the existence, uniqueness and global attractivity of a positive almost periodic solution to a delayed differential equation with almost periodic factors.
Penghua Hong, Peixuan Weng (School of Math., South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631)
In this paper, we study the boundary value problem for some p-Laplacian dynamic equations. By using Guo-Krasnosel’Skii Fixed Point Theorem and Avery-Henderson Fixed Point Theorem, conditions for the existence of positive solutions are obtained.
Wu Chufen1, Song Changxiu2, Weng Peixuan1 (1. School of Math., South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
A periodic difference predator-prey model with Holling-(m + 1)(m 〉 2) type functional response and impulses is established. Sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of periodic solutions by using a continuation theorem in coincidence degree.
In this paper, the author studies the boundary value problems for a p-Laplacian functional difference equation. By using a fixed point theorem in cones, sufficient conditions are established for the existence of the positive solutions.