Tunable and compact high power terahertz (THz) radiation based on coherent radiation (CR) of the picosecond relativistic electron bunch train is under development at the Tsinghua accelerator lab. Coherent synchronization radiation (CSR) and coherent transition radiation (CTR) are researched based on an S-band compact electron linac, a bending magnet or a thin foil. The bunch train's form factors, which are the key factor of THz radiation, are analyzed by the PARMELA simulation. The effects of electron bunch trains under different conditions, such as the bunch number, bunch charges, micro-pulses inter-distance, and accelerating gradient of the gun are investigated separately in this paper. The optimal radiated THz power and spectra should take these factors as a whole into account.
YOU YanYAN LiXinDU YingChaoHUA JianFeiHUANG WenHuiTANG ChuanXiang
The experimental result of terahertz (THz) coherent transition radiation generated from an ultrashort electron bunching beam is reported. During this experiment, the window for THz transmission from ultrahigh vacuum to free air is tested. The compact measurement system which can simultaneously test the THz wave power and frequency is built and proofed. With the help of improved Martin-Puplett interferometer and Kramers-Krong transform, the longitudinal bunch length is measured. The results show that the peak power of THz radiation wave is more than 80 kW, and its radiation frequency is from 0.1 THz to 1.5 THz.
The length of electron beam from a photocathode RF gun is determined by a spectrometer, according to the relative energy spread induced by the bunch length during the acceleration in a linac. For a photocathode RF gun, different laser injected phase and beam charge are studied. The compression is changed for the different laser phases, as from 10 ° to 30 ° , and the bunch length is lengthened due to the strong longitudinal space charge force, caused by the increased charge.