先前研究对汉语部分动结式的补语指向问题一直存在争议。本文基于Huang et al.(2009)的轻动词理论对动结式的补语指向进行了深入研究,并对英汉语结果性结构的形式差异做出了解释。本文的研究表明,动结式补语V2所指向的论元必然是由词根√V2携带的轻动词Lv1筛选出的事件客体,在句法中投射到内部论元位置,因此汉语的动结式与英语的结果性结构一样,都遵守"Simpson法则"。两种结构在形式上的某些差异归因于只有汉语词库中允许存在光杆性动词词根。
由R.Lieber,P.Stekauer主编的《牛津复合词手册》(The Oxford Handbook of Compounding)于2009年由牛津大学出版社出版,全书分为两部分,共34章。第一部分侧重于从理论视角考察复合词,介绍了不同理论框架对复合词的解释。第二部分则采用类型学研究方法,考察了17种不同语系的语言中复合词的情况。下面介绍本手册内容,重点介绍第1部分。
English and Chinese both belong to satellite-flamed languages in lexicalizing motion events. However, they are not entirely identical in Path encoding. Path comprises Vector, Conformation, and Deictic. Vector comprises Arrival, Departure and Traversal. English and Chinese use different forms (prepositions vs. verbs) to represent Traversal. The Arrival component in Chinese can denote "realized arrival" while that in English cannot. English is not fine-grained as Chinese in the specification of Conformation. The use of Deictic in Chinese is more pervasive than that in English. Satellite elements in English are realized as particles and prepositions while those in Chinese are realized as directional verbs.