Space electromagnetic docking technology, free of propellant and plume contamination, offers continuous, reversible and synchronous controllability, which is widely applied in the future routine on-orbit servicing missions. Due to the inherent nonlinearities, couplings and uncertainties of an electromagnetic force model, the dynamics and control problems of them are difficult. A new modeling approach for relative motion dynamics with intersatellite force is proposed. To resolve these control problems better, a novel nonlinear control method for soft space electro-magnetic docking is proposed, which combines merits of artificial potential function method, Lyapunov theory and extended state observer. In addition, the angular momentum management problem of space electromagnetic docking and approaches of handling it by exploiting the Earth's magnetic torque are investigated. Finally, nonlinear simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the dynamic model and the novel nonlinear control method.
Satellite formation keeping through inter-satellite electromagnetic force provides an attractive alternative for future space missions due to its distinct advantages of no propellant consumption or plume contamination as compared to conventional approaches.However,the internal force nature as well as the high nonlinearity and coupling of electromagnetic force brings new control challenges for this novel technique.In this paper,analysis on the dynamics characteristics and special control issues in the presence of electromagnetic force is carried out on the basis of the derived relatively translational dynamics.Considering the model uncertainties,external disturbances and sensor noise,a combined nonlinear control scheme involving feed-forward and feedback control components is proposed for electromagnetic-force-based formation keeping.The feed-forward component is directly obtained through desired configuration and dynamics under nominal conditions while the feedback component is realized utilizing active disturbance rejection control methodology with some reasonable improvement.Numerical simulation is presented to verify the feasibility and validity of the combined control scheme.