YQ0902孔位于浙江南部瓯江三角洲南侧温瑞平原上。沉积相、粒度分析以及AMS14C测年数据表明,硬土层之下为海洋氧同位素3阶段(MIS 3)形成的潟湖相沉积,据此推测MIS3高海平面至少达到现今海平面之下30m左右(未经构造升降和沉积物压实作用等影响的校正,下同)。硬土层的成土过程发生于MIS2,其母质部分为MIS3的潟湖沉积,部分为河漫滩沉积。硬土层之上是一套形成于全新世的海侵—海退旋回,与长江三角洲南翼前缘的沉积相组合类似。研究钻孔初始海泛面约形成于9 cal ka BP,推算当时的海平面约低于现今海平面25m。中全新世最大海侵前后,东亚季风较强,通过径流或沿岸流输入本区的沉积物较充足,沉积速率较大。随着海平面相对稳定或略有下降,东亚季风减弱,可容空间减小,中晚全新世(5~2 cal ka BP)沉积速率较低。高分辨率的XRF岩心扫描获得的元素相对含量是古环境与古气候研究的重要指标,其中Cl/Ti、Fe/Ti值可分别作为海相性(与海洋联通程度)与东亚季风强弱的替代指标。
Significant progress has been achieved in the research of tide-dominated environments in the past two decades. These studies highlight both the importance and diversity of tidal flats in modern coastal environments. Based on their developing settings, tidal flats are subdivided into nine types, which are in turn grouped into sheltered or exposed spectrums according to the magnitude of exposure to waves. The ternary coastal classification model is revised with an embedded triangle to highlight non-open coast tidal flats as major second-order morphological elements to the first-order coastal environments including deltas, estuaries and lagoons. A new continuous spectrum of open coast depositional settings is proposed from muddy tidal flats of tide dominance with wave influence, through sandy tidal flats of mixed energy (tide-dominated), and tidal beaches of mixed energy (wave-dominated), to beaches of wave-dominance with tide influence. It is worth noting that no open coast setting is absolutely exempt from wave or tide influence. Three diagnostic criteria for the intertidal-flat deposits are proposed. Upon an upward-fining succession, (1) regular changes vertically from flaser bed-ding, through wavy bedding and to lenticular bedding are diagnostic of most of intertidal flats; (2) cyclical tidal rhythmites point to sheltered intertidal flats typically at the inner part of macrot-idal estuaries; (3) rhythmic alternations of storm and tidal deposition are diagnostic of exposed intertidal flats, especially the open coast types. Intertidal-flat deposits are generally topped by saltmarsh deposits, but underlain by different subtidal successions, like thick subtidal channel-fills, sand-bar complexes (sheltered coastal settings), and upwards coarsening successions of subtidal flats or thick subtidal sand ridge/bar complexes (exposed coastal environments).
A tidal bore is a unique Earth surface process, characterized by its highly destructive energy, predictable periodicities and magni-tudes, and the production of characteristic sedimentary features. Tidal bores and associated rapid flood flows are highly turbulent flows of the upper-flow regime with a velocity over several meters per second. Reynolds (Re) and Froude (Fr) numbers, respectively, are larger than 104 and 1.0, making them significantly different from regular tidal flows but analogous to turbidity currents. Until now, understanding of tidal-bore depositional processes and products has been limited because of the difficulty and hazards involved with gauging tidal bores directly. The Qiantang bore is known as the largest breaking bore in the world. Field surveys were carried out in May 2010, along the north bank of the Qiantang Estuary to observe the occurrence of peak bores, including regular observations of current, water level and turbidity at the main channel. Several short cores were sampled on the intertidal flats to study the characteristic sedimentary features of tidal bores. Hydrodynamic and sedimentological studies show that the processes of sediment resuspension, transport and deposition are controlled primarily by the tidal bores, and the subsequent abruptly accelerated and decelerated flood flows, which only account for one tenth of each semidiurnal tidal cycle in the estuary. Tidal-bore deposits are generally poorly sorted because of rapid sedimentation after highly mixed suspension by intense turbulence. This behavior is characteristic of the absence of tractive-current depositional components in a C-M diagram. It also goes along with well-developed massive bedding, graded bedding, basal erosion structures, convolute bedding and dewatering structures. Together, these sedimentary features can constitute fingerprinting of turbidites, widely distributed in the deep-water environment. However, a tidal bore is triggered by intensely deformed tidal waves propagating into a shallow-water environme