Solar fuel is one of the ideal energy sources in the future. The synergy of photo and thermal effects leads to a new approach to higher solar fuel production under relatively mild conditions. This paper reviews different approaches for solar fuel production from spectrum- selective photo-thermal synergetic catalysis. The review begins with the meaning of synergetic effects, and the mechanisms of spectrum-selectivity and photo-thermal catalysis. Then, from a technical perspective, a number of experimental or theoretical works are sorted by the chemical reactions and the sacrificial reagents applied. In addition, these works are summarized and tabulated based on the operating conditions, spectrum-selectivity, materi- als, and productivity. A discussion is finally presented concerning future development of photo-thermal catalytic reactions with spectrum-selectivity.
在分布式冷热电联供系统试验平台上,实验分析了系统各单元设备及系统随内燃机输出功率变化的变工况运行特性。该实验平台动力机采用柴油机,额定功率为50 k W,随着柴油机输出功率的增加,系统一次能源利用率和相对节能率先增加后减少,存在最大值。当柴油机输出功率为40 k W左右,一次能源利用率达到最大为76.0%,相对节能率最大达到29.5%;当负荷过低时,相对节能率为负值,系统相对于分产系统不节能。探讨了提高冷热电联供系统变工况性能的措施。