Alspach提出如下猜想:"设n是奇数并且每个m_1,m_2,…,m_h都是大于等于3而小于等于n的整数.若sum from i=1 to h m_i=n(n-1)/2,则K_n可以分解成圈G_(m_1),G_(m_2),…,G_(m_h)."用记号C(m_1^(n_1)m_2^(n_2)…m_s^(n_s))表示由n_i个m_i长圈,i=1,2,…,s组成的2-正则图.设Γ={C((2m_i)^(n_i)…(2m_s)^(n_s))|i∈[1,s]}.研究了循环(K_v,Γ)-分解的构造方法及其存在性问题,并且证明了Alspach猜想的一些特殊情况.
The following results are obtained: (1) The graph Cm^m· Pt is odd arithmetic when (i) m ≡ 0 (mod 2) and t=m or m + 1; (ii) m ≡ 1 (mod 2) and t=m + 1. (2) The graph C2m^m is odd arithmetic when (i) m=2,4 and n is any positive integer; (ii) m=3 and n is even. (3) The graph Cm^m, is odd arithmetic when m=4n and t=2. (4) Pm+1^n is odd arithmetic when (i) n is odd; (ii) m 〈 3 and n is any positive integer. (5) Windmill graph Kn^t is odd arithmetic if and only if n=2. (6) Cycle Cn is odd arithmetic if and only if n ≡ 0 (mod 4). (7) For any positive integer n and any positive integer m, Km,n is odd arithmetic.