A new simplified formula is presented to characterize genuine tripartite entanglement of (2 2 n)-dimensional quantum pure states. The formula turns out equivalent to that given in (Quant. Inf. Comp. 7(7) 584 (2007)), hence it also shows that the genuine tripartite entanglement can be described only on the basis of the local (2 2)-dimensional reduced density matrix. In particular, the two exactly solvable models of spin system studied by Yang (Phys. Rev. A 71 030302(R) (2005)) are reconsidered by employing the formula. The results show that a discontinuity in the first derivative of the formula or in the formula itself of the ground state just corresponds to the existence of quantum phase transition, which is obviously different from the concurrence.
The effects of multi-impurity on the entanglement of anisotropic Heisenberg ring XXZ under a homogeneous magnetic field are studied. The impurities make the equal pairwise entanglement in a ring compete with each other so that the pairwise entanglement exhibits oscillation. If the impurities are of larger couplings, both the critical temperature and pairwise entanglement can be improved.
An Ising-type atom-atom interaction is obtained in a fibre-connected three-atom system. The interaction is effective when △ ≈γ0 〉〉 g. The preparations of remote two-atom and three-atom entanglements governed by this interaction are discussed in a specific parameter region. The overall two-atom entanglement is very small because of the existence of the third atom. However, the three-atom entanglement can reach a maximum very close to 1.
In this paper a new scheme for teleporting an unknown entangled state of two particles is proposed. To weaken the requirement for the quantum channel, without loss of generality, two communicators only share a non-maximally entangled two-particle state. Teleportation can be probabilistically realized if sender performs Bell-state measurements and Hadamard transformation and receiver introduces two auxiliary particles, operates C-not operation, single-qubit measurements and appropriate unitary transformations. The probability of successful teleportation is determined by the smaller one among the coefficients' absolute values of the quantum channel.
We give a protocol to prepare specially entangled W-class state of multi-atom which can be used to exactly teleport an arbitrarily unknown two-level two-atom state. During the process, the quantum in-formation is split into n parts and the original quantum information can be sent to anyone of the n re-cipients with the other n-1 recipients' collaboration. In addition, we will give a suggestion to realize this scheme via QED cavity.