This paper is devoted to counting the number of isomorphism classes of pointed hyperelliptic curves over finite fields. We deal with the genus 4 case and the finite fields are of even characteristics. The number of isomorphism classes is computed and the explicit formulae are given. This number can be represented as a polynomial in q of degree 7, where q is the order of the finite field. The result can be used in the classification problems and it is useful for further studies of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems, e.g. it is of interest for research on implementing the arithmetics of curves of low genus for cryptographic purposes. It could also be of interest for point counting problems; both on moduli spaces of curves, and on finding the maximal number of points that a pointed hyperelliptic curve over a given finite field may have.
This paper presents a new approach for designing the tool paths in the machining of sculptured surfaces for computer nu- merical controlled end milling. In the proposed method, the tool paths are determined so that the scallop height formed by two adja- cent machining paths is maintained constant across the machined surface. Unlike previous work on iso-scallop height milling, the present work considers the true 3D configuration of the milling procedure and can be used to generate better results, which is shown by examoles.