The interval graph completion problem on a graph G is to find an added edge set F such that G + F is an interval supergraph with the smallest possible number of edges. The problem has important applications to numerical algebra, V LSI-layout and algorithm graph theory etc; And it has been known to be N P-complete on general graphs. Some classes of special graphs have been investigated in the literatures. In this paper the interval graph completion problem on split graphs is investigated.
A dominating tree T of a graph G is a subtree of G which contains at least one neighbor of each vertex of G.The minimum dominating tree problem is to find a dominating tree of G with minimum number of vertices,which is an NP-hard problem.This paper studies some polynomially solvable cases,including interval graphs,Halin graphs,special outer-planar graphs and others.
It is known that the problem of minimizing total weighted completion time on a series-batching machine is NP-hard. We consider a series-batching bicriteria scheduling problem of minimizing makespan and total weighted completion time with equal length job simultaneously. A batching machine can handle up to b jobs in a batch, where b is called the batch capacity of the machine. We study the unbounded model with b ≥ n, where n denotes the number of jobs. A dynamic programming algorithm is proposed to solve the unbounded model, which can find all Pareto optimal schedules in O(n3) time.