The characterization of fracture rocks is always a key issue in understanding the flow and solute transport in fractured media. This article studies the solute transport in a Channeled Single Fracture (CSF), a single fracture with contact in certain areas. The flow in a CSF often has preferential pathways and the transport in a CSF often has Break Through Curves (BTCs) with long tails. The Surface Contact Ratio (SCR), the ratio of the contact area to the total fracture area, is an important indicator for the fracture surface roughness. To study the flow and solute transport in a CSF, a controlled physical model is constructed and a series of flow and tracer test experiments are carried out. Under our experimental conditions, the flow in a CSF is found to follow the Forchheimer equation , where and are the hydraulic gradient and the average pore velocity, respectively and and are two parameters related to the viscous and inertial flow components, respectively. Furthermore, it is found that b decreases with the decrease of SCR. For the solute transport, it is found that the BTCs often deviate from the traditional Fickian behavior, by the early-arrival and the long tailing. More interestingly, the observed BTCs often have a double-peak or a multi-peak, that would be difficult to explain using the existing transport theory such as the Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE). In addition, the longitudinal dispersion coefficient is found to be scale-dependent in a CSF and the relationship is of exponential type.
针对格网DEM难以对黄土高原梯田地形进行有效数字表达的问题,基于面向对象思想提出了能够顾及梯田地形的Grid-TIN混合格网DEM(Grid-TIN based DEM,GT-DEM)概念及其数据模型,并阐明其主要特征及与传统DEM的关系。以陕西绥德县辛店沟小流域水平梯田为例,利用现有1∶1万格网DEM、梯田特征点线及其外围边界线,构建出能够充分顾及梯田地形的GT-DEM。研究表明,利用现有格网DEM和梯田地形特征点线构建顾及梯田地形GT-DEM的技术可行。GT-DEM不仅可对研究区全局地形进行粗略表达,而且可对其局部梯田地形进行精细表达。该研究是对如何提高DEM的梯田地形数字表达能力的有益探索,对进一步提高DEM对淤地坝、鱼鳞坑等其他人工地形的数字表达能力具有重要借鉴意义。