Spectral absorption coefficients of the total particulate, ap(l ), nonalgal particulate, ad(l ), and phyto-plankton pigment, aph(l ), in the Pearl River estuary and its vicinity waters were determined using the quantitative filter technique. The particulate absorption ap(443) ranged from 0.04 to 1.82 m-1, with the corresponding aph(443) ranging from 0.016 to 0.484 m-1. Two typical spectral patterns are found for the total particulate absorption. For the first typi-cal spectral pattern, the total particulate absorption spectra are similar to that of nonalgal particulate, with values of absorption coefficient decreasing with wavelength. In con-trast, for the second spectral pattern the spectral absorptions by total particulate are very similar to that of phytoplankton pigment. The spectral dependency of absorption by nonalgal particulate follows an exponential increase toward short wavelengths, with an average slope of 0.012±0.002 nm-1. The nonalgal absorption and the fraction of the nonalgal particulate absorption to the total particulate absorption exhibit a distinct trend of decreasing with salinity of the sur-face water. Phytoplankton pigment absorption exhibits a clear trend of increasing nonlinearly with chlorophyll a con-centration. The relationships between the phytoplankton pigment absorption and chlorophyll a concentration can be described by power law, with the determination coefficient r2 of 0.82. But only weak relationships between ap(l ) and chlorophyll a concentration are observed, with the determination coefficient r2 of 0.42. The relatively large scatter around ap(443) versus chl-a relationship would be attributed to the effects of loading of the nonalgal particulate absorption. Our analysis indicated that such relationships similar to that for Case Ⅰ waters can be applicable to optically complex Case Ⅱ waters if the effects caused by nonalgal are corrected. The chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficients of phytoplankton pigment are not constant, it increases with decreasing chlorophyll a le
CAO Wenxi, YANG Yuezhong, XU Xiaoqiang, HUANG Liangmin & ZHANG Jianlin LED Laboratory, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China Correspondence should be addressed to Cao Wenxi (e-mail: wxcao@ scsio.ac.cn)