The freshwater luminescent bacteria Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 test and the Vicia faba root tip test associated with solid-phase extraction were applied for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of organic substances in three rivers, two lakes and effluent flows from two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Xi'an, China. Although the most seriously polluted fiver with high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC) showed high cytotoxicity (expressed as TIIs0, the toxicity impact index) and genotoxicity (expressed as RMCN, the relative frequency of micronucleus), no correlative relation was found between the ecotoxicity and organic content of the water samples. However, there was a linear correlative relation between TIIs0 and RMCN for most water samples except that from the Zaohe River, which receives discharge from WWTP and untreated industrial wastewaters. The ecotoxicity of the organic toxicants in the Chanhe River and Zaohe River indicated that cytotoxic and genotoxic effects were related to the pollutant source. The TII50 and RMCN were also found to correlate roughly to the dissolved oxygen concentration of the water. Sufficient dissolved oxygen in surface water is thus proved to be an indicator of a healthy water environmental condition.
膜生物反应器(MBR)中高污泥浓度和低F/M会导致部分微生物长期处于贫营养状态下,因此采用污泥内源消化试验模拟MBR中实际存在的贫营养现象。比较了好氧消化(AD)和好氧/缺氧消化(A/A/D)2种模式对于A2O+MBR工艺剩余污泥的内源消化效果及SMP的变化。研究结果表明,常温条件下A/A/D 20 d MLVSS的去除率可达到50%,AD为42%,缺氧段的引入促进了有机物和营养物质等的释放和去除,SMP浓度均呈现出显著降低而后缓慢增长并趋于稳定的趋势。EEM光谱分析表明,SMP中不同的荧光物质在内源消化过程中呈现出不同的变化规律。GPC分析认为,内源消化过程中SMP的分子量范围逐渐扩大,小分子量有机物呈增长趋势,A/A/D对SMP的降解比AD更为有效。