Taking into account moisture in virtue of general potential temperature,the author derive a three-dimensional(3D) pseudomomentum wave-activity relation for the moist atmosphere from the primitive equations in Cartesian coordinates using the Momentum-Casimir method.Since the wave-activity relation is constructed in an ageostrophic and non-hydrostatic dynamical framework,it may be applicable to diagnosing the evolution and propagation of mesoscale systems leading to heavy rainfall.The theoretical analysis shows that,besides the local change of wave-activity flux divergence and source or sink,the wave-activity relation includes two additional forcing terms.The first is the zonal gradient of difference between general potential temperature and potential temperature perturbations,and the second is the covariance of the solenoid and gradient of water vapor,denoting the direct influence of moisture on wave-activity density.The wave-activity density was applied to a heavy precipitation event occurring in the Jianghuai region of China.The calculation showed that the wave-activity density was consistent with 6-h accumulated precipitation observations,in terms of both spatial distribution and temporal tendency.This suggested that the disturbance represented by wave-activity density was closely related to the heavy precipitation.Although the wave-activity flux divergence and the covariance of the solenoid and gradient of water vapor made the primary contribution to the local change of wave-activity density,the covariance was more remarkable.The zonal gradient of difference between general potential temperature and potential temperature perturbations made a weaker contribution to the waveactivity density.
Two cloud-scale experiments with two different ice-phase schemes were carried out for a precipitation event that occurred in eastern China in 2005.The results were analyzed to examine the influences of the change of ice-particle mass and radius on hydrometeors,internal energy,and kinetic energy,as well as the primary factors responsible.It was found that the ice content increases notably and the snow content decreases due to the change.This is the consequence of the modulation of cloud microphysical processes.In particular,the Bergeron process and the accretion of snow and cloud ice are markedly influenced.The differences of internal energy and kinetic energy between the two experiments are caused by adjustments to pressure-flux divergence,the coupling of temperature and divergence,and gravitational work,and the reason is that these three factors result in differences of local changes of internal and kinetic energy.
利用覆盖北京地区的地基GPS水汽监测网数据反演的地基GPS大气柱水汽含量(precipitable water vapor,PWV),分析了2009年7月3次暴雨天气过程中大气柱水汽含量的水平分布特征;利用高空、地面常规气象资料以及加密气象自动站观测资料计算地面和高空比湿,结合温度、风等物理量分析3次暴雨天气过程中的大尺度水汽输送和中尺度局地辐合作用;对最大降水强度以及降水量的时间变化的分析表明:3次降水落区分布特征与降水前期大气柱水汽含量高值的水平分布较为一致;大气柱水汽含量曲线变化特征与各尺度天气系统造成的水汽输送和水汽辐合密切相关,大气柱水汽含量的大小与水汽来源密切相关;降水前4小时内大气柱水汽含量出现陡增,线性增速大于1.1mm/h,最大降水强度出现在大气柱水汽含量峰值出现后的1~2h。
The moist atmosphere with occurring precipitation is considered to be a multiphase fluid composed of dry air, water vapor and hydrometeors. These compositions move with different velocities: they take a macroscopic motion with a reference velocity and a relative motion with a velocity deviated from the reference velocity. The reference velocity can be chosen as the velocities of dry air, a gas mixture and the total air mixture. The budget equations of continuity and momentum are formulated in the three reference-velocity frames. It is shown that the resulting equations are dependent on the chosen reference velocity. The diffusive flux due to compositions moving with velocities deviated from the reference velocity and the internal sources due to the phase transitions of water substances result in additional source terms in continuity and momentum equations. A continuity equation of the total mass is conserved and free of diffusive flux divergence if the reference velocity is referred to the velocity of the total air mixture. However, continuity equations in the dry-air and gas- mixture frames are not conserved due to the mass diffusive flux divergence. The diffusive flux introduces additional source terms in the momentum equation. In the dry-air frame, the diffusive flux of water substances and the phase transitions of water substances contribute to the change of the total momentum. The additional sources of total momentum in the frame of a gas mixture are associated with the diffusive flux of hydrometeors, the phase transitions of hydrometeors and the gas- mixture diffusive flux. In the frame of total air mixture, the contribution to the total momentum comes from the diffusive flux of all atmospheric compositions instead of the phase transitions. The continuity and momentum equations derived here are more complicated than the traditional model equations. With increasing computing power, it becomes possible to simulate atmospheric processes with these sophisticated equations. It is helpful to the improvement of
The aim of this study is to calculate the low-level atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) in clear areas with FY-2E IR2 window (11.59-12.79 μm) channel imagery,where the traditional cloud motion wind technique fails.A new tracer selection procedure,which we call the temporal difference technique,is demonstrated in this paper.This technique makes it possible to infer low-level wind by tracking features in the moisture pattern that appear as brightness temperature (TB) differences between consecutive sequences of 30-min-interval FY-2E IR2 images over cloud-free regions.The TB difference corresponding to a 10% change in water vapor density is computed with the Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission (MODTRAN4) radiative transfer model.The total contribution from each of the 10 layers is analyzed under four typical atmospheric conditions:tropical,midlatitude summer,U.S.standard,and midlatitude winter.The peak level of the water vapor weighting function for the four typical atmospheres is assigned as a specific height to the TB "wind".This technique is valid over cloudfree ocean areas.The proposed algorithm exhibits encouraging statistical results in terms of vector difference (VD),speed bias (BIAS),mean vector difference (MVD),standard deviation (SD),and root-mean-square error (RMSE),when compared with the wind field of NCEP reanalysis data and rawinsonde observations.