Multi-component seismic exploration technology, combining reflected PP- and converted PS-waves, is an effective tool for solving complicated oil and gas exploration problems. The improvement of converted wave resolution is one of the key problems. The main factor affecting converted wave resolution is the absorption of seismic waves in overlying strata. In order to remove the effect of absorption on converted waves, inverse Q filtering is used to improve the resolution. In this paper, we present a method to estimate the S-wave Q values from prestack converted wave gathers. Furthermore, we extend a stable and effective poststack inverse Q filtering method to prestack data which uses wave field continuation along the ray path to compensate for attenuation in prestack common shot PP- and PS-waves. The results of theoretical modeling prove that the method of estimating the S-wave Q values has high precision. The results from synthetic and real data prove that the stable inverse Q filtering method can effectively improve the resolution of prestack PP- and PS-waves.
Based on analyzing the limit of Ziolkowski's bubble oscillation formulation,a new model with various physical factors is established to simulate air gun signatures fo marine seismic exploration.The practical effects of physical factors,such as heat transfe across the bubble wall,air gun port throttling,vertical rise of the bubble,fluid viscosity,and the existence of the air gun body were all taken into account in the new model.Compared with Ziolkowski's model,the signatures simulated by the new model,with small peak amplitude and rapid decay of bubble oscillation,are more consistent with actual signatures The experiment analysis indicates:(1)gun port throttling controls the peak amplitude of ai gun pulse;(2)since the hydrostatic pressure decreases when the bubble rises,the bubble oscillation period changes;(3)heat transfer and fluid viscosity are the main factors tha explain the bubble oscillation damping.