Assume that S is an almost excellent extension of R. Using functors HomR(S,-) and -×R S, we establish some connections between classes of modules lR and lS, cotorsion pairs (AR, BR) and (AS, BS). If lS is a T-extension or (and) H-extension of lR, we show that lS is a (resp., monomorphic, epimorphic, special) preenveloping class if and only if so is lR. If (AS, BS) is a TH- extension of (AR, BR), we obtain that (AS, BS) is complete (resp., of finite type, of cofinite type, hereditary, perfect, n-tilting) if and only if so is (AR, BR).
In a pushout-pullback diagram, which consists of four morphisms f : A → B, g : A → C, α : C → D and β : B → D, we give some relations among the covers of these four modules. If ker f∈I( ), then g : A → C is -covering if and only if : B → D is -covering. If every module has an -precover and kerf E I( ), then A and C have isomorphic -precovers if and only if B and D have isomorphic -precovers.