全新世环境演变及其气候事件对古文化发展的影响是目前环境考古研究的热点。根据山东中部龙山镇山城村全新世黄土-古土壤及埋藏文化层的关系,利用色度、磁化率、粒度、碳酸钙含量等气候替代指标,揭示了全新世气候演变,早期(11500 a B.P.~8500 a B.P.)变暖,中期暖湿(8500 a B.P.~3100 a B.P.)和后期(3100 a B.P.以来)逐渐转凉,其中大暖期记录了3次气候寒冷事件。通过分析全新世气候阶段性、气候事件与古文化时空的耦合关系发现:在全新世最为暖湿的阶段(8500 aB.P.~4000 a B.P.),依次发展了后李文化、北辛文化、大汶口文化和龙山文化。其中,8200 a B.P.、5500 a B.P.气候事件没有对文化发展产生明显负面影响,反而对文化发展起了一定催化剂的作用。4000 a B.P.气候事件在剖面中表现明显,来自北部、东北部的大量风沙使淄博、潍坊等地龙山人的生存环境急剧恶化,进而使喜暖湿的稻作农业受到极大摧毁,人地资源矛盾突出,导致优秀的龙山文化被古朴的岳石文化所取代。
Loess deposits with varying thickness are widely distributed on the intermontane valleys and piedmont zones on the northern side of the central Shandong mountainous regions. However, the basal ages and material resources of the loess deposits are not clear. The paper studied the Qingzhou loess profile in Shandong with magnetostratigraphic and optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods and further investigated its main provenances with the mineralogical methods. The magnetostratigraphic results showed that the Brunhes/Matuyama (B/M) reversal boundary was not recognized, suggesting a basal age younger than 0.78 Ma. Extrapolations by sedimentation rates, based on the upper part depositional rate from the OSL age, the basal age of the Qingzhou loess is about 0.5 Ma. Until now, older loess deposits have not been reported on the northern side of the central Shandong mountainous regions. The results of the paper indicate that the loess deposits in this area might have strated from the Middle Pleistocene. The basal age of Qingzhou loess is approximately synchronous with the Xiashu loess in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River. Major components of clay minerals in the Qingzhou profile are dominated by illite. Other clay mineral compositions are mainly smectite, chlorite and kaolinite, which are similar with the Xifeng loess in the Loess Plateau. However, the contents of smectite and the ratios of illite and kaolinte in the Qingzhou loess samples are higher than those in the Xifeng loess samples of the Loess Plateau, indicating that the loess in the northern side of the central Shandong mountainous regions has different sources from that of the loess deposits in the Loess Plateau. The clay mineral analysis further reinforces the earlier conclu- sion that the marine strata exposed in the Laizhou Bay and the fluvial plain of the lower reaches of Yellow River during the glacier periods are the main material sources for the Qingzhou loess deposits, which is an indicator to the local aridification of the lower r
8.2 ka B.P.、5.5 ka B.P.和4.0 ka B.P.事件为全新世3次典型的气候突变事件。本文以海岱文化区的主体——山东作为研究区域,综合分析全新世古气候变化、新石器考古文化等方面的资料,研究认为3次气候事件在研究区具有不同的响应方式,对海岱文明的影响也各不相同。其中,8.2 ka B.P.和5.5 ka B.P.事件均以干冷为特征,分别对研究区后李文化的产生和大汶口文化的发展起到了促进作用;4.0 ka B.P.事件是一次洪水与干冷事件前后接踵的组合事件,它通过不同的影响机制导致了研究区各个区域的史前文明在4.0 ka B.P.事件前后普遍发生衰退。