[目的]小麦遗传图谱是进行小麦染色体分析和研究表型变异的遗传基础。通过利用传统分子标记和现代基因芯片技术相结合,构建高密度遗传图谱,重点开展主要产量主要构成要素——粒重的初级基因定位,确定影响粒重的主效QTL位点,为开发粒重CAPS分子标记及在分子标记辅助育种提供依据和指导,并为利用小麦粒重次级群体进行精细定位和基因挖掘奠定基础。[方法]利用90 K小麦SNP基因芯片、DArt芯片技术及传统的分子标记技术,以包含173个家系的RIL群体(F9:10重组自交系)为材料,构建高密度遗传图谱,并利用QTL network2.0进行了3年共4环境粒重QTL分析。[结果]构建了覆盖小麦21条染色体的高密度遗传图谱,该图谱共含有6 244个多态性标记,其中SNP标记6 001个、DAr T标记216个、SSR标记27个,覆盖染色体总长度4 875.29 c M,标记间平均距离0.78 c M。A、B、D染色体组分别有2 390、3 386和468个标记,分别占总标记数的38.3%、54.3%和7.5%;3个染色体组标记间平均距离分别为0.80、0.75和0.80 c M。用该分子遗传图谱对4个环境下粒重进行QTL分析,检测到位于1B、4B、5B、6A染色体上9个加性QTL,效应值大于10%的QTL位点有QGW4B-17、QGW4B-5、QGW4B-2、QGW6A-344、QGW6A-137;其中QGW4B-17在多个环境下检测到,其贡献率为16%—33.3%,可增加粒重效应值2.30-2.97g,该位点是稳定表达的主效QTL。9个QTL的加性效应均来自大粒母本山农01-35,单个QTL位点加性效应可增加千粒重1.09—2.97 g。[结论]构建的覆盖小麦21条染色体的分子遗传图谱共含有6 241个多态性标记,标记间平均距离为0.77 c M。利用该图谱检测到位于1B、4B、5B、6A染色体上9个控制粒重的加性QTL,其中QGW4B-17是稳定表达的主效QTL位点,贡献率为16.5%—33%,可增加粒重效应值2.30—2.97 g。
As one of the most effective enzymatic modification methods of protein, papain hydrolysis is applied widely in food production, accompanying starch pasting frequently in order to improve industrial quality. Effects of the papain hydrolysis on flour pasting properties were investigated in five papain/flour concentrations and five time-treatments. The structure of starch and protein networks in slurry was investigated under microscope before and after pasting. Results showed that papain hydrolysis influenced the pasting properties of wheat flour significantly through affecting structural characteristics, amylase activity and exotbermic transition, especially during the early stage of hydrolysis. Peak viscosity, trough, final, integral area, and setback significantly decreased along with the increasing concentration of papain. Both hydrolysis time and concentration of papain had obviously effect on the breakdown. Pasting temperature and pasting time increased significantly with the enhancement of papain concentration. Hydrolysis time exerted minor effect on the pasting temperature and pasting time. The average peak time was slightly prolonged by lower concentration of papain, otherwise slightly shortened by higher concentration.
Spike number per m^2(SN),kernel number per spike(KNPS) and thousand-kernel weight(TKW)are the three main components determining wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) yield.To evaluate the relationships among them a doubled haploid(DH) population consisting of 168 lines grown at three locations for three years was analyzed by unconditional and conditional QTL mapping.Thirty-three unconditional QTL and fifty-nine conditional QTL were detected.Among them,two QTL(QSN-DH-2B and QSN-DH-3A-1.1) improved SN,with no effect on KNPS.QKNPS-DH-2B-2.1 improved KNPS,with no effect on SN.QKNPS-DH-1A-1.1,QKNPS-DH-2D-1.1and QKNPS-DH-6A improved KNPS,with no effect on SN or TKW.QKNPS-DH-6B was associated with increased SN and TKW.In addition,QTKW-DH-4B,QTKW-DH-5B and QTKW-DH-7B increased TKW without decreasing KNPS.These results provide useful information for marker assisted selection(MAS) and improvement in wheat yield.
Han ZhangJiansheng ChenRuyu LiZhiying DengKunpu ZhangBin LiuJichun Tian
To evaluate the possible genetic interrelationships between flour components and the sedimentation volume(SD),a doubled haploid(DH) population comprising 168 lines were used to identify the conditional quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for SD in three environments.Ten additive QTLs and 15 pairs of epistatic QTLs were detected for SD through unconditional and conditional QTL mapping.Three major additive QTLs were detected for SD conditioned on the seven quality traits.Two additive QTLs were found to be independent of these traits.Three additive QTLs were suppressed by three of the seven traits because of non-detection in unconditional mapping.Three pairs of epistatic QTLs were completely affected by the seven traits because of detection in unconditional mapping but no-detection in conditional mapping.Twelve pairs of epistatic QTLs were detected in conditional mapping.Our results indicated that conditional mapping could contribute to a better understanding of the interdependence of different and closely correlated traits at the QTL molecular level,especially some minor QTLs were found.The conditional mapping approach provides new insights that will make it possible to avoid the disadvantages of different traits by breeding through molecular design.
DENG Zhi-yingZHAO LiangLIU BinZHANG Kun-puCHEN Jian-shengQU Hou-lanSUN Cai-lingZHANG Yong-xiangTIAN Ji-chun
由小麦品种花培3号和豫麦57杂交获得了168个株系的DH群体为材料,分别用蒸馏水(对照)以及50、100mmol/L Na Cl溶液处理,对小麦幼苗的苗高、苗干重进行了QTL定位及效应分析。利用完备区间作图法,共检测到16个加性QTL和17对上位性互作QTL。其中,检测到8个控制苗高的QTL,分布在小麦2A、2D、3B、4D、6B和7B染色体上,单个QTL可解释3.38%-22.96%的遗传变异,位于4D和7B染色体上控制苗高的QSH4D和QSH7B两个QTL位点在两个环境中均被检测到,QSH4D在两个环境里的遗传贡献率分别为17.9%和22.96%,为一主效QTL位点;检测到8个控制苗干重的QTL,分布在小麦1A、1B、2B、2D、4D和5B染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.53%-9.10%的遗传变异。在1A染色体上控制小麦幼苗苗干重的QDSW1A,在盐胁迫和非盐胁迫下均稳定表达,贡献率分别为7.78%和7.87%,可用于小麦耐盐的分子标记辅助选择。加性效应和上位效性均对小麦幼苗苗高和苗干重的遗传起重要作用。