以深圳南山糯米糍荔枝为原料,通过电子加速器辐照,使用0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0 k Gy 4个剂量处理后分别于室温下(26℃-30℃)贮藏3 d,低温(4℃±1℃)下贮藏15 d10以褐变率、失重率、质构、维生素C含量、可溶性固形物等为品质指标,研究不同辐照剂量处理对鲜荔枝保鲜期的影响。结果表明,不同剂量辐照后,各组荔枝外观与对照组均无显著差别。室温下电子束辐照可以使糯米糍荔枝的保鲜期从1 d延长至3 d,4℃冷藏条件下保鲜期可从10 d延长至15 d100.5 k Gy为最佳辐照剂量,照射剂量在1.5 k Gy以上会加快荔枝外观和营养品质的劣变。
Micrographs of lychee pericarp and pulp during microwave vacuum drying were tested and analyzed in order to illuminate the microstructure change of lychee and effect of the change on moisture removing in lychee.The results showed that the pericarp consisted of three parts:outer layer with cuticle,inter layer and inner layer.Outer layer and inter layer cells are easily destroyed than inner layer because of small and intact inner layer cells.Furthermore,micrographs showed that the moisture content of pulp keep constant with the temperature increasing at first 40 min due to the inner layer cells prevent the moisture removing from pulp.The long tubular structure of pulp cell would become break and lost over time,because the intercellular spaces reduced and the moisture removing was slow down in pulp.Meanwhile,the microstructure of lychee dried with temperature control was better than that without temperature control.