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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Low-Level Wind Shear Characteristics and Lidar-Based Alerting at Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport,China被引量:8
Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport[International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)code ZLLL]is located in a wind shear prone area in China,where most low-level wind shear events occur in dry weather conditions.We analyzed temporal distribution and synoptic circulation background for 18 dry wind shear events reported by pilots at ZLLL by using the NCEP final(FNL)operational global analysis data,and then proposed a lidar-based regional divergence algorithm(RDA)to determine wind shear intensity and location.Low-level wind shear at ZLLL usually occurs in the afternoon and evening in dry conditions.Most wind shear events occur in an unstable atmosphere over ZLLL,with changes in wind speed or direction generally found at 700 hPa and 10-m height.Based on synoptic circulations at 700 hPa,wind shear events could be classified as strong northerly,convergence,southerly,and weak wind types.The proposed RDA successfully identified low-level wind shear except one southerly case,achieving94%alerting rate compared with 82%for the operational system at ZLLL and 88%for the ramp detection algorithm(widely used in some operational alert systems)based on the same dataset.The RDA-unidentified southerly case occurred in a near neutral atmosphere,and wind speed change could not be captured by the Doppler lidar.
Lanqian LIAimei SHAOKaijun ZHANGNan DINGPak-Wai CHAN
谱逼近方法和变分资料同化方法都是提高动力降尺度模拟效果的有效手段,其中谱逼近方法通过引入分析或再分析资料来订正长时间连续积分造成的大尺度偏差问题,其模拟输出有望为变分同化提供质量较好的背景场。为此,本文通过WRF模式对2015年夏季秦巴山区实施水平分辨率为5 km的短期气候动力降尺度模拟,探讨在谱逼近方法的基础上利用三维变分(3DVar)同化方法同化地面观测资料的降尺度模拟效果,以期为获取复杂地形下高精度的高分辨率降尺度数据集提供一种有效途径。结果表明,在动力降尺度过程中使用谱逼近方法能够改善2 m温度、10 m风速和降水的模拟结果。只同化地面观测资料对模拟的2 m温度和10 m风速有明显改善,但对降水模拟有负作用。谱逼近方法和地面资料同化方法的结合使用能够得到2 m温度、10 m风速的最佳模拟效果,对降水的模拟结果也优于只同化地面观测资料的试验效果。使用谱逼近方法能够有效地对风场和水汽场做出合理调整,这是其降水模拟精度提高的原因之一。
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation with a Local SVD-En3DVar Method被引量:3
An observation localization scheme is introduced into an ensemble-based three-dimensional variational (3DVar) assimilation method based on the singular value decomposition technique (SVD-En3DVar) to im- prove assimilation skill. A point-by-point analysis technique is adopted in which the weight of each obser- vation decreases with increasing distance between the analysis point and the observation point. A set of numerical experiments, in which simulated Doppler radar data are assimilated into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, is designed to test the scheme. The results are compared with those ob- tained using the original global and local patch schemes in SVD-En3DVar, neither of which includes this type of observation localization. The observation localization scheme not only eliminates spurious analysis increments in areas of missing data, but also avoids the discontinuous analysis fields that arise from the local patch scheme. The new scheme provides better analysis fields and a more reasonable short-range rainfall forecast than the original schemes. Additional forecast experiments that assimilate real data from i0 radars indicate that the short-term precipitation forecast skill can be improved by assimilating radar data and the observation localization scheme provides a better forecast than the other two schemes.
目前常用的相似量一般是对样本差异的一个平均意义上的描述,在判断样本相似时难免受到个别过大或过小的样本因子的影响。针对这个问题,提出一种新的相似性度量方法——相似面积比方法,试图从全局的角度来考虑样本相似的选取问题。首先将原始数据标准化,根据对样本间距离的统计分析确定一个判断相似的阈值,然后计算两个样本中距离小于阈值的面积与总面积的比来判定两个样本的相似程度,最后利用2001 2011年冬季00:00(世界时)NCEP FNL温度、高度和风场的全球分析资料对该方法进行了验证。结果表明,数据标准化后可以得到值域范围大致相同的无量纲变量场,有利于多层次多变量的综合性相似判据的建立;与海明距离、相关系数相比,相似面积比选取的相似样本和基准样本在分布形态上较为接近,但相似面积比对高纬地区的相似判断较弱。基于上述三种相似性方法,利用1948 2013年NCEP月平均温度再分析资料进行长期天气预报试验表明,三种方法在相似样本的选取上有一定数量的重合率;从相似预报效果来看,相似面积比方法最好,海明距离方法次之,相关系数方法较差。
A Piecewise Modeling Approach for Climate Sensitivity Studies:Tests with a Shallow-Water Model被引量:2
In model-based climate sensitivity studies, model errors may grow during continuous long-term inte- grations in both the "reference" and "perturbed" states and hence the climate sensitivity (defined as the difference between the two states). To reduce the errors, we propose a piecewise modeling approach that splits the continuous long-term simulation into subintervals of sequential short-term simulations, and updates the modeled states through re-initialization at the end of each subinterval. In the re-initialization processes, this approach updates the reference state with analysis data and updates the perturbed states with the sum of analysis data and the difference between the perturbed and the reference states, thereby improving the credibility of the modeled climate sensitivity. We conducted a series of experiments with a shallow-water model to evaluate the advantages of the piecewise approach over the conventional continuous modeling approach. We then investigated the impacts of analysis data error and subinterval length used in the piecewise approach on the simulations of the reference and perturbed states as well as the resulting climate sensitivity. The experiments show that the piecewise approach reduces the errors produced by the conventional continuous modeling approach, more effectively when the analysis data error becomes smaller and the subinterval length is shorter. In addition, we employed a nudging assimilation technique to solve possible spin-up problems caused by re-initializations by using analysis data that contain inconsistent errors between mass and velocity. The nudging technique can effectively diminish the spin-up problem, resulting in a higher modeling skill.
邵爱梅邱崇践NIU Guo-Yue
Statistics of the Z–R Relationship for Strong Convective Weather over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Basin and Its Application to Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation for a Heavy Rain Event被引量:3
The relationship between the radar reflectivity factor (Z) and the rainfall rate (R) is recalculated based on radar ob- servations from 10 Doppler radars and hourly rainfall measurements at 6529 automatic weather stations over the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin. The data were collected by the National 973 Project from June to July 2013 for severe convective weather events. The Z-R relationship is combined with an empirical qr-R relationship to obtain a new Z-qr relationship, which is then used to correct the observational operator for radar reflectivity in the three-dimensional variational (3DVar) data assimilation system of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to im-prove the analysis and prediction of severe convective weather over the Yangtze--Huaihe River basin. The perform- ance of the corrected reflectivity operator used in the WRF 3DVar data assimilation system is tested with a heavy rain event that occurred over Jiangsu and Anhui provinces and the surrounding regions on 23 June 2013. It is noted that the observations for this event are not included in the calculation of the Z-R relationship. Three experiments are conducted with the WRF model and its 3DVar system, including a control run without the assimilation of reflectivity data and two assimilation experiments with the original and corrected refleetivity operators. The experimental results show that the assimilation of radar reflectivity data has a positive impact on the rainfall forecast within a few hours with either the original or corrected reflectivity operators, but the corrected reflectivity operator achieves a better per-forrnance on the rainfall forecast than the original operator. The corrected reflectivity operator extends the effective time of radar data assimilation for the prediction of strong reflectivity. The physical variables analyzed with the corrected reflectivity operator present more reasonable mesoscale structures than those obtained with the original re-flectivity operator. This suggests that the new sta
Xue FANGAimei SHAOXinjian YUEWeicheng LIU
基于集合和奇异值分解的三维变分同化方法(SVD-En3DVar)对2009年6月14日江苏地区的一次飑线过程进行多普勒雷达资料同化预报数值试验,以检验该方法在这类尺度较小的强对流天气过程中的同化应用效果。同时,还讨论了SVD-En3DVar的分块局地化方案中水平半径对此次飑线过程同化效果的敏感性,并应用WRF 3DVar进行了平行对比试验。数值试验结果表明,应用SVD-En3DVar方法同化多普勒雷达资料后能够有效调整风场、比湿和位温等状态变量,同化预报结果对分块局地化方案中水平半径参数较为敏感,水平分块半径为50 km时对组合反射率的预报效果最好。SVD-En3DVar和WRF 3DVar两种同化方法同化雷达资料后都能够提高雷达组合回波的预报水平,但SVD-En3DVar方法的效果明显优于WRF 3DVar同化系统,对回波带位置及其向东南方向发展趋势的预报和观测回波较为一致。
利用PV-阻塞高压指数,研究了欧亚大陆阻塞高压对低温雨雪冰冻灾害期间出现连阴降水的影响。结果显示:1978~2008年1月10日至2月2日我国南方连阴降水具有明显的地域特征,区域连阴降水持续日数有比较明显的年际变化,2008年连阴降水持续日数远远超过历史同期;合成分析的结果显示,连阴降水较强年份,500 hPa位势高度场上乌拉尔山和贝加尔湖西部地区同时有阻塞高压存在,但阻塞高压所起的作用对于南方各省连阴降水所起的作用不完全一样,冬季1月10日至2月2日,乌拉尔山阻塞高压的频繁发生有利于湖北大部和江西、安徽局部连阴降水的增多,而不利于贵州北部的连阴降水发生;贝加尔湖地区阻塞高压偏多有利于湖北南部和安徽西部一些地区连阴降水的发生;鄂霍次克海阻塞高压偏多有利于贵州大部和湖北西部连阴降水的偏多。2008年1月10日至2月2日这段时间7省1市冬季的异常降水中,关键区阻塞高压所起的作用很复杂。贵州、江西地区异于常年的降水,可能与阻塞高压和其它天气系统的异常配置有关。