This paper investigates the third-order nonlinear optical properties of two azo-nickel chelate compounds by the optical Kerr gate method at 830 nm wavelength with pulse duration of 120 fs. Both of the two compounds exhibited large third-order optical nonlinearity. The second-order hyperpolarizability,γ, of Compound 1 is of 1.0 × 10^-31 esu. Due to the charge transfer, the γ of Compound 2 with electron donor and acceptor group is 4.9 × 10^-31 esu, which is a four-time enhancement in comparison with Compound i. The absorption spectra show that the electron push-pull effect, which induces intramolecular charge transfer, leads to the increased optical nonlinearity.
A tunable plasmonic waveguide via gold nanoshells immerged in a silica base is proposed and simulated by using the finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method. For waveguides based on near-field coupling, transmission frequencies can be tuned in a wide region from 660 to 900 nm in wavelength by varying shell thicknesses. After exploring the steady distributions of electric fields in these waveguides, we find that their decay lengths are about 5.948-12.83 dB/1000 nm, which is superior to the decay length (8.947 dB/1000 nm) of a gold nanosphere plasmonic waveguide. These excellent tunability and transmittability are mainly due to the unique hollow structure. These gold nanoshell waveguides should be fabricated in laboratory.
基于电光聚合物,提出了一种结构简单,尺寸小,效率高的表面等离激元(SPP)调制器.该调制器采用M-Z干涉仪结构的金属波导,金属周围是均匀极化后的电光聚合物,通过在金属波导两臂间加电压对聚合物折射率进行调制,折射率调制再通过M-Z干涉仪结构转化为对金属波导中SPP强度的调制.通过求解金属波导附近的电场分布,并结合SPP场分布的特点,在理论上说明了这种结构可以通过外加电压有效地调制金属波导输出端SPP的强度,调制所需的半波电压约为2.8 V.
We propose a secure digital holographic system with signal and reference waves dually encrypted. Two random phase masks are used to encrypt the images in the input and the Fourier planes. The reference beam is phase encoded by another random phase mask. The encrypted image and the key are recorded by a CCD camera. The data can be processed or transferred directly by computer. We theoretically and experimentally demonstrate encryption and decryption of multiple images and the results show a high quality and good fault tolerance.
Influence of random initial amplitude perturbations on the lilamentation ot prefocused femtosecond laser pulses is numerically studied. Simulations are performed for the filamentation of laser pulses with different modulation degrees and initial geometric focusings. The transverse waist of the laser beam is 5 mm. The behavior of the filament is strongly affected by the initial non-uniformity of the laser pulse envelope for a short initial focal length (f = 1 m). In this case, the filament and plasma channel can survive for a longer distance with a small initial amplitude perturbation. For a laser pulse focused by a lens with a long focal length (f = 4 m), decrease in the initial perturbation does not contribute to the length of the filament and the plasma channel.
Optical responses in dilute composites are controlled through the local dielectric resonance of metallic clusters. We consider two located metallic clusters close to each other with admittances ε1 and ε2. Through varying the difference admittance ratio η[= (ε2 - ε0)/(ε1 - ε0)], we find that their optical responses are determined by the local resonance. There is a blueshift of absorption peaks with the increase of η- Simultaneously, it is known that the absorption peaks will be redshifted by enlarging the cluster size. By adjusting the nano-metallic cluster geometry, size and admittances, we can control the positions and intensities of absorption peaks effectively. We have also deduced the effective linear optical responses of three-component composites εe=ε0 (1+∑^n n=1[(γn1+ηγn2)/(ε0(s-sn))]) and the sum rule of cross sections:∑^n n=1(γn1+ηγn2)=Nh1+Nh2,, where Nh1and Nh2 are the numbers of εl and ε2 bonds along the electric field, respectively. These results may be beneficial to the study of surface plasmon resonances on a nanometre scale.
A theoretical investigation on the surface plasmon polariton in a gold cylindrical nanocable is presented. By solving a complete set of Maxwell's equations in the nanocable (with a 50 nm radius gold nanocore, 10-300 nm silica layer, and 30-200nm gold nanocladding), the dispersion relations on the optical frequency and on the silica thickness are discussed. When the silica thickness varies from 50 to 250 nm, at a fixed waveleltgth, the strong coupling between the gold nanocore and the nanocladding leads to a symmetric-like surface mode and an antisymmetric-like surface mode in the nanocable. The transformation between the surface mode and the waveguide mode in this structure is also investigated. The results will be helpful for understanding the surface waves in the subwavelength structures.
We review the technique and research of the ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolved spectroscopy and its applications in the field of the ultrafast dynamics of mesoscopic systems and nanomaterials. Combining femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM),we can obtain the spectra with ultrahigh temporal and spatial resolutions simultaneously. Some problems in doing so are discussed. Then we show the important applications of the ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolved spectroscopy with a few typical examples.