The interannual variability of occurrence of multiple tropical cyclone (MTC) events during June-October in the western North Pacific (WNP) was examined for the period 1979-2006. The number of the MTC events ranged from 2 to 9 per year, exhibiting a remarkable year-to-year variation. Seven active and seven inactive MTC years were identified. Compared to the inactive years, tropical cyclone genesis locations extended farther to the east and in the meridional direction during the active MTC years. A composite analysis shows that inactive MTC years were often associated with the E1 Nifio decaying phase, as warm SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern-central Pacific in the preceding winter transitioned into cold sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the concurrent summer. Associated with the SST evolution were suppressed low-level cyclonic vorticity and weakened convection in the WNP monsoon region. In addition to the mean flow difference~ significant differences between active and inactive MTC years were also found in the strength of the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). Compared with inactive MTC years, ISO activity was much stronger along the equator and in the WNP region during active MTC years. Both westwardand northward-propagating ISO spectrums strengthened during active MTC years compared to inactive years. The combined mean state and ISO activity changes may set up a favorable environment for the generation of MTC events.
利用中国1981—2007年土壤湿度资料、地面气象观测旬资料及东亚夏季风强度指数、NCEPⅡ再分析资料,通过诊断分析探讨了土壤湿度变化的敏感区——渭河流域土壤湿度异常与我国若干气候背景的联系。合成分析显示,渭河流域土壤湿度异常干年,中国北方中东部大部分地区土壤偏干,降水量偏少,蒸发皿蒸发偏强,空气相对湿度偏小,湿年反之;大气环流也呈完全相反的形势,干年亚洲中高纬位势高度距平分布西正东负,湿年反之。滞后相关分析表明,土壤湿度的变化可引起500 h Pa大气高度场的变化,从而使定常波的位置和强度发生变化,进而导致降水场的变化;渭河流域13—16旬土壤湿度与17—20旬500 h Pa大气环流表现出欧亚—太平洋遥相关(EUP)型,表明土壤湿度对大气的影响可通过大气遥相关的作用传播到其他区域;土壤湿度蒸发对低层大气水汽通量有正贡献,但这种贡献对产生降水所需的水汽而言是次要的,在我国中东部,前期土壤湿度对夏季降水的影响小,对秋季降水则有明显影响;渭河流域前一年秋季和当年春季土壤湿度与东亚夏季风强度指数显著正相关,表明秋季和春季陆面土壤湿度状况对东亚夏季风的强弱有正反馈的作用。