Two closed-form formulae for the frequency-dependent resistance of rectangular cross-sectional interconnects are presented. The frequency-dependent resistance R (f) of a rectangular interconnect line or a intercon- nect line with a ground plane structure is first obtained by a numerical method. Based on the strict numerical results, a novel closed-form formula R(f) for a rectangular interconnect alone is fitted out using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. This R(f) can be widely used for analyzing on-chip power grid IR-drop when the frequency is changing. Compared to the previously published R(f) formula for an interconnect, the formula provided here is more accu- rate during the frequency transition range. Also for a bigger width to thickness ratio, this formula shows greater accuracy and robustness. In addition, this paper fits out the closed-form R(f) formula for a micro-strip-like inter- connect (an interconnect with a ground plane), which is a typical structure in the on-chip or package power delivery system.
制作了空调散热器用铝箔气味检测系统。该系统由PC机、调理控制电路、电源和装有传感器阵列的测试腔构成。数据处理方法采用了sum of deltV和神经网络相结合的方法,在Matlab环境中训练、仿真后,移植到LabVIEW平台上实现。实测表明在相对稳定的环境下该系统具备可重复性;系统的最终判定结果与气味工程师的判定结果一致。
An on-chip microelectromechanical system was fabricated in a 0.5μm standard CMOS process for gas pressure detection. The sensor was based on a micro-hotplate (MHP) and had been integrated with a rail to rail operational amplifier and an 8-bit successive approximation register (SAR) A/D converter. A tungsten resistor was manufactured on the MHP as the sensing element, and the sacrificial layer of the sensor was made from polysilicon and etched by surface-micromachining technology. The operational amplifier was configured to make the sensor operate in constant current mode. A digital bit stream was provided as the system output. The measurement results demonstrate that the gas pressure sensitive range of the vacuum sensor extends from 1 to 105 Pa. In the gas pressure range from 1 to 100 Pa, the sensitivity of the sensor is 0.23 mV/Pa, the linearity is 4.95%, and the hysteresis is 8.69%. The operational amplifier can drive 200 Ω resistors distortionlessly, and the SAR A/D converter achieves a resolution of 7.4 bit with 100 kHz sample rate. The performance of the operational amplifier and the SAR A/D converter meets the requirements of the sensor system.