关于二氧化碳水合物基础物性的研究,对二氧化碳置换开采天然气水合物和工业废气二氧化碳的深海埋藏具有重要意义。本文在Van der Waals-Platteeuw理论和Pizter的电解质模型的基础上,考虑了电解质和温度对二氧化碳在水中溶解度的影响,从理论上对水合物相平衡模型进行了修正,提高了预测的精度。本文预测了二氧化碳水合物在NaCl、KCl、CaCl_2、MgCl_2的一元及二元溶液体系中的相平衡条件,预测的最大压力误差7.92%,平均压力误差在1%~3%之间。结果表明,本文的理论预测结果和实验数据吻合较好。
Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to study the growth mechanism of CH4-CO2 mixed hydrate in xco2 = 75%, xco2 = 50%, and zco2 = 25% systems at T = 250 K, 255 K and 260 K, respectively. Our simulation results show that the growth rate of CH4-CO2 mixed hydrate increases as the CO2 concentration in the initial solution phase increases and the temperature decreases. Via hydrate formation, the composition of CO2 in hydrate phase is higher than that in initial solution phase and the encaging capacity of CO2 in hydrates increases with the decrease in temperature. By analysis of the cage occupancy ratio of CH4 molecules and CO2 molecules in large cages to small cages, we find that CO2 molecules are preferably encaged into the large cages of the hydrate crystal as compared with CH4 molecules. Interestingly, CH4 molecules and CO2 molecules frequently replace with each other in some particular cage sites adjacent to hydrate/solution interface during the crystal growth process. These two species of guest molecules eventually act to stabilize the newly formed hydrates, with CO2 molecules occupying large cages and CH4 molecules occupying small cages in hydrate.