Soil visible-near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy(vis-NIR DRS)has become an important area of research in the fields of remote and proximal soil sensing.The technique is considered to be particularly useful for acquiring data for soil digital mapping,precision agriculture and soil survey.In this study,1581 soil samples were collected from 14 provinces in China,including Tibet,Xinjiang,Heilongjiang,and Hainan.The samples represent 16 soil groups of the Genetic Soil Classification of China.After air-drying and sieving,the diffuse reflectance spectra of the samples were measured under laboratory conditions in the range between 350 and 2500 nm using a portable vis-NIR spectrometer.All the soil spectra were smoothed using the Savitzky-Golay method with first derivatives before performing multivariate data analyses.The spectra were compressed using principal components analysis and the fuzzy k-means method was used to calculate the optimal soil spectral classification.The scores of the principal component analyses were classified into five clusters that describe the mineral and organic composition of the soils.The results on the classification of the spectra are comparable to the results of other similar research.Spectroscopic predictions of soil organic matter concentrations used a combination of the soil spectral classification with multivariate calibration using partial least squares regression(PLSR).This combination significantly improved the predictions of soil organic matter(R2=0.899;RPD=3.158)compared with using PLSR alone(R2=0.697;RPD=1.817).
植物形态伴随着植物生长过程而发生变化,植物的三维重建对研究植物形态对植物生物量估测、植物病害虫害、基因型表达等有着很重要的意义。目前三维重建方法重建出的三维点云多包含植物的形态、颜色等特征,无法反应植物营养状况(如叶绿素含量)、病虫害胁迫等原因造成有机质空间三维分布改变,同时以往手段都需要专门仪器,携带和作业都受到很大限制。多光谱图像能够反应有机质含量等化学值的分布,在近地面遥感、农产品质量无损检测等发面取得了广泛的应用。该文通过采集31张4叶龄油菜的多光谱图像,使用运动恢复结构算法(structure from motion)方法对其进行空间三维重建,得到油菜的三维点云,并对点云中噪声点进行滤除。以控制点和控制长度对所得模型进行评价,得到长度最大偏差在0.1023 cm,RMSE=0.052599,证明该方法重建所得模型具有较好的空间均匀性与准确性,最后计算NDVI指数空间分布。证明所得模型对将来研究植物营养与病虫害胁迫空间分布有着重要意义。