蛭态轮虫是附藓无脊椎动物中常见的类群,由于个体较小,观察难度大,尤其是对其分离困难,故对此类群的研究一直落后于其他轮虫类群。本文以文献报道附藓蛭态轮虫的分离方法为基础,设定了不同的实验组,比较了不同分离方法的分离效率,并探讨了不同分离条件对附藓蛭态轮虫分离效率的影响。结果显示:与简单的震荡复苏法相比,蔗糖震荡复苏法可分离出更多的蛭态轮虫,且在分离条件为p H 7.8、温度20℃和湿度60%时可达到最高的分离效率。文中还就各分离条件对分离效率的影响进行了讨论。
The response and recovery mechanisms of forests to damage from freezing rain and snow events are a key topic in forest research and management. However, the relationship between the degree of damage and tree age, i.e., whether seedlings, young trees, or adult trees are most vulnerable, remains unclear and is rarely reported. We investigated the effect of tree age on the degrees of vegetation damage and subsequent recovery in three subtropical forest types-coniferous, mixed, and broad-leaved —in the Tianjing Mountains, South China, after a series of rare icy rain and freezing snow events in 2008. The results showed that damage and recovery rates were both dependent on tree age, with the proportion of damaged vegetation increasing with age(estimated by diameter at breast height, DBH) in all three forest types and gradually plateauing. Significant variation occurred among forest types. Young trees in the coniferous forest were more vulnerable than those in the broad-leaved forest. The type of damage also varied with tree age in different ways in the three forest types. The proportion of young seedlings that were uprooted(the most severe type of damage) was highest in the coniferous forest. In the mixed forest, young trees were significantly more likely to be uprooted than seedlings and adult trees, while in the broad-leaved forest, the proportion of uprooted adult trees was significantly higher than that of seedlings and young trees. There were also differences among forest types in how tree age affected damage recovery. In the coniferous forest, the recovery rate of trees with broken trunks or crowns(DBH > 2.5 cm) increased with tree age. However, in the mixed and broad-leaved forests, no obvious correlation between the recovery rate of trees with broken trunks or crowns and tree age was observed. Trees with severe root damage did not recover; they were uprooted and died. In these forests, vegetation damage and recovery showed tree age dependencies, which varied with tree shape, forest type, and damage type. Unde
外来生物入侵导致全球生物多样性下降,极大地威胁着生态系统健康,已造成很大的生态损失与经济损失。近年来,随着生物入侵的加剧,全球对生物入侵的研究力度不断加大。外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估可以为人们提供对入侵可能性和入侵方式更直接的信息,从而为管理者制定管理策略提供依据。基于最近20年间(1995—2014年)科学文献数据库Web of Science的科学引文索引数据库扩展版(SCI-E)中数据,对外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估方面的研究进行了文献计量分析,旨在了解当前国际研究现状,以便推动中国的生物入侵相关研究。为了全面掌握全球外来生物入侵生态危害与风险评估方面的研究,采用Bibexcel与TDA文献计量工具,对Web of Science数据库中相关文献进行了分析,去重后共获取5492篇文献。结果表明:近20年(1995—2014年)入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估方面的研究刊文量呈现前缓后剧增的趋势,2008—2014年进入了快速发展阶段,文献数量急剧增加,2014年达到最高(511篇);美国发文量远超其它国家,占据主导地位,中国刊文量排名第5。美国、澳大利亚、法国、英国、德国的研究论文影响力较大。刊文量最多的研究机构为美国农业部(USDA),中国科学院发文量排名第10位。研究学科主要为昆虫学、农艺学、植物科学、生态学,研究热点集中在生物防治、风险评估、粮食作物和经济作物的病虫害防治、杂草防控,以及生物入侵与气候变化的关系等方面。有关外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估的研究多集中于北美、澳大利亚和欧洲,未来要加强亚洲地区,特别是中国外来生物入侵风险评估的研究;要加强气候变化对外来生物物种特性的影响研究,更多关注入侵生物的生态控制与生态恢复方面的研究,以便更好地为今后长期有效地防控入侵生物提供理论与技术指�