用345 keV的Kr15+和340 keV的Kr17+离子以45fi角入射n型GaAs单晶(100)面,测量了表面形貌的变化和发射的375—500 nm Ga I和Kr II的特征光谱线.Krq+(q=15,17)离子轰击后表面形貌的变化主要取决于入射离子的电荷态q.离子沉积到靶表面的能量引起Ga原子激发,其辐射光谱为Ga I 403.2 nm和Ga I 417.0 nm.入射离子中性化过程中俘获GaAs导带电子形成高激发态原子,通过级联退激填充3p,4d等空穴,P壳层电子跃迁发射谱线为Kr II 410.0 nm,Kr II 430.4 nm,Kr II 434.0 nm和Kr II 486.0 nm,Kr II486.0 nm为较强谱线.实验结果表明,入射离子与GaAs单晶相互作用发射的可见光产额与入射离子的电荷态密切相关,较高电荷态Kr17+离子入射产生的光辐射产额大约为Kr15+离子的两倍.
实验研究了300和600 ke V的O7+离子与宏观玻璃管内壁的相互作用,利用位置灵敏法拉第筒测量了传输离子的偏转角和传输效率随倾斜角的变化关系,观察到偏转角不等于倾斜角的不完全导向现象。实验结果证实,高能入射离子在玻璃管内壁产生的沉积电势相对于入射离子动能横向分量较小,难以使传输离子沿着玻璃管的轴向出射,从而发生不完全导向现象;并且,入射离子的能量越高,导向效应越不明显。
A two-dimensional electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation model is proposed to study the propagation of intense, ion beams with beaIn width wb small compared to the electron skin depth c/wpe through background plaslnas in tile presence of external applied magnetic fields. The effcctive eleetron gyrora,dius wge is found to be an important parameter for ion beam transport in the presence of magnetic fields,In the bealn regions, the background plasmas respond differently to the ion beanl of width wb〈wge and wb 〉 wge for the given magnetic field and beaan encrgy, For the case of beam width wb 〈 wge with relative weak external magnetic fiehts, the rotalion effects of plasma electrons a,re found to be signifieant and contributes to the signitica,nt enilaneeinent of the self electric and seif-magnetic fields. While for the ease of beam width wb 〉 wge with relative strong external magnetic fields, the rotation effects of plasma cleetrons are strongly inhibited and a, well neutraliza, tion of ion beam current can be found. Finally, the influences of diftiuent beam widths. beam energies and magnetic fields on the neutralization of ion bc, anl eurrellt are summarized for the eases of wb 〈 wge〈 c/wpe,wge 〈wb〈c/wbp and wb〈c/wpe〈wge.