Computer numerical control(CNC)system is the base of modern digital and intelligent manufacturing technolo- gy.And opened its architecture and constituted based on PC and Windows operating system(OS)is the main trend of CNC sys- tem.However,even if the highest system priority is used in user mode,real-time capability of Windows(2000,NT,XP)for applications is not guaranteed.By using a device driver,which is running in kernel mode,the real time performance of Windows can be enhanced greatly.The acknowledgment performance of Windows to peripheral interrupts was evaluated.Harmonized with an intelligent real-time serial communication bus(RTSB),strict real-time performance can be achieved in Windows platform. An opened architecture software CNC system which is hardware independence is proposed based on PC and RTSB.A numerical control real time kernel(NCRTK),which is implemented as a device driver on Windows,is used to perform the NC tasks.Tasks are divided into real-time and non real-time.Real-time task is running in kernel mode and non real-time task is running in user mode.Data are exchanged between kernel and user mode by DMA and Windows Messages.
WU Hongen~(1,2) ZHANG Chengrui~1 LI Guili~2 WANG Baoren~(1,2) (1.Mechanical School,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China, 2.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Shandong University of Sci & Tech,Qingdao 266510,China)
提出了一种基于STEP-NC的数控车削加工仿真系统,该仿真系统能够验证STEP-NC数控程序、模拟实际系统运行。讨论了仿真系统的译码器、基于特征的加工数据库、实体建模以及仿真驱动等组成模块实现的关键技术和方法。介绍了仿真系统的建模工具V isua l C++和O penGL。最后指出了本文研究对于STEP-NC数控加工研究的意义。