应用等离子体浸没离子注入与沉积方法合成了磷掺杂的类金刚石(diamond like carbon,DLC)薄膜.结构分析表明磷以微米级岛状结构分散于DLC薄膜表层,P的掺杂增加了DLC薄膜的无序性,俄歇能谱表明岛型区域是由P、C、O三种元素形成的化合物.掺杂表面表现出强烈的亲水性(水接触角为16.9°),体外血小板粘附实验结果显示,P掺杂DLC薄膜表面粘附的血小板少且变形小,表现出的血液相容性优于热解碳和未改性DLC.
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET,Dacron) was modified by surface immobilization of hirudin with glutaraldehyde(GA) as coupling reagent to improve the blood compatibility.Hirudin-immobilized PETs were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements.The blood compatibility of the PETs was evaluated by platelet adhesion evaluation and fibrinogen conformational change measurements in vitro.The results showed the decrease of platelet adhesion and activation on hirudin-immobilized PET with increasing of glutaraldehyde concentration.Fibrinogen experiment showed that fibrinogen adherence and conformational changes of PET-HRD were less than those of untreated PET,which made the materials difficult to form thrombus.The proper reason of blood compatibility improvement was low interface tension between hirudin-immobilized PETs and blood,as well as blood proteins,and low ratio of dispersive/polar component of the surface energy(γsd/γsp) and high hydrophilicity.
采用乙炔等离子体浸没离子注入与沉积技术(P III-D)在医用涤纶缝合环材料表面沉积了一层类金刚石(DLC)薄膜。细菌黏附实验的结果证明沉积了类金刚石薄膜后的表面对五种细菌——金黄色葡萄球菌(S taphy lococcus aureus,SA)、表皮葡萄球菌(S taphy lococcus ep iderm id is,SE)、大肠杆菌(E scherich ia co li,EC)、绿浓杆菌(P seudom onas aerug inosa,PA)和白色念珠菌(C and ida a lb icans,CA)的黏附均有明显的减少(P<0.05)。计算细菌与材料之间的黏附自由能ΔFadh表明:细菌对PET表面的黏附自由能为负值,而细菌对DLC表面的ΔFadh>0,因此细菌对DLC表面黏附过程难于发生,即使黏附也是可逆的。