Two parameterization schemes for vertical eddy diffusivity were utilized to investigate their impacts on both the daily and monthly mean concentrations of ozone and NOy, which are the major fractions of the sum of all reactive nitrogen species, i.e., NOy=NO+NO2+HNO3+PAN. Simulations indicate that great changes in the vertical diffusivity usually occur within the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Daily and monthly mean concentrations of NOy are much more sensitive to changes in the vertical diffusivity than those of ozone and ozone and NOy levels only at or in (relatively) clean sites and areas, where long-range transport plays a crucial role, display roughly equivalent sensitivity. The results strongly suggest that a widely-accepted parameterization scheme be selected and the refinement of the model's vertical resolution in the PBL be required, even for regional and long-term studies, and ozone only being examined in an effort to judge the model's performance be unreliable, and NOy be included for model evaluations.