A Jackson type inequality in Q p spaces is established, i.e., for any f (z) = Σ∞ j=0 ajzj ∈ Qp , 0≤p < ∞, a > 1, and k-1 ∈ N,where ω(1/k, f, Q p ) is the modulus of continuity in Q p spaces and C(a) is an absolute constant depending only on the parameter a.
CHEN YingWei 1 & REN GuangBin 1, 2, 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
In the framework of superspace in Clifford analysis for the Dunkl version, the Fischer decomposition is established for solutions of the Dunkl super Dirac operators. The result is general without restrictions on multiplicity functions or on super dimensions. The Fischer decomposition provides a module for the Howe dual pair G × osp(1|2) on the space of spinor valued polynomials with G the Coxeter group, while the generators of the Lie superspace reveal the naturality of the Fischer decomposition.
REN GuangBin 1,2 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
The authors express the essential norms of composition operators between Hardy spaces of the unit disc in terms of the natural Nevanlinna counting function.