By using the method of density-matrix renormalization-group to solve the different spin spin correlation functions, the nearest-neighbouring entanglement (NNE) and the next-nearest-neighbouring entanglement (NNNE) of one-dimensional alternating Heisenberg XY spin chain are investigated in the presence of alternating the-nearestneighbouring interaction of exchange couplings, external magnetic fields and the next-nearest neighbouring interaction. For a dimerised ferromagnetic spin chain, the NNNE appears only above a critical dimerized interaction, meanwhile, the dimerized interaction a effects a quantum phase transition point and improves the NNNE to a large extent. We also study the effect of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbouring (NNN) interaction on the dynamics of NNE and NNNE. The ferromagnetic NNN interaction increases and shrinks the NNE below and above a critical frustrated interaction respectively, while the antiferromagnetic NNN interaction always reduces the NNE. The antiferromagnetic NNN interaction results in a large value of NNNE compared with the case where the NNN interaction is ferromagnetic.
The entanglement in one-dimensional random XY spin systems where the impurities of exchange couplings and the external magnetic fields are considered as random variables is investigated by solving the different spin-spin correlation functions and the average magnetization per spin. The entanglement dynamics near particular locations of the system is also studied when the exchange couplings (or the external magnetic fields) satisfy three different distributions (the Gaussian distribution, double-Gaussian distribution, and bimodal distribution). We find that the entanglement can be controlled by varying the strength of external magnetic field and the distributions of impurities. Moreover, the entanglement of some nearest-neighbouring qubits can be increased for certain parameter values of the three different distributions.